
From time to time, I see friends on my flist recommend songs and/or groups that are currently their most played. Normally, I just play whatever and don’t have any that are sticking or that are especially “true” to me at the time. But lately, I’ve been on a real kick for Kirsty MacColl and Neil Innes.

Neil Innes (whom you may know through his association with the Monty Python troupe – he’s Robin’s chief musician in Holy Grail, for instance) has been my favorite musician since forever. (Well, since I was a teenager at least.) Back when Amy and I used to go to record collectors conventions, she was buying up all the Heart that an 11/12 year old could afford and I was buying up all the Bonzo Dog Band and other Neil Innes related stuff that a 15/16 year old could afford. Needless to say, we both ended up with a lot of swag. 🙂

It was recent purchases of the Re-cycled Vinyl Blues and Sleeper (by GRIMMS) CDs which has re-awakened my love for all things Innes. My favorite solo album of Neil’s is How Sweet to be an Idiot, which is contained in the Re-cycled Vinyl Blues CD (in addition to some other tunes). And Sleeper, as I mentioned in an earlier post, had been my own holy grail since I was a teen. I was so pleased to discover it was a wonderful album. Some key GRIMMS songs for replay include “Backbreaker” and “Where Am I Now?”

Kirsty MacColl was introduced to me by a friend in England. He’d sent me the song “Here Comes that Man Again” which is about Internet chatting of the adult nature. Quite funny song. So I ordered her CDs and enjoy her music a lot. Kirsty’s songs are usually about a woman being wronged by some bastard – and always with a bit of humor and probably a Latin beat. My current favorite song of hers is “England 2 Columbia Nil.” I usually play it twice in a row when I hear it. Heh.

Another tune which I’ve been fixated on lately include “Just Desserts” by Chumbawamba. It’s about a group of protesters who use cream pies in their protests (slapstick anarchists, as the song says). Actually, there’s still a number of songs from Chumabawamba that I fixate on. Tis why I enjoy them so much. 🙂

One thought on “Music

  1. …One of these days I’ll have to fix you up with an episode or two of Rupert Booth’s Protoverse series “if”, which uses “How Sweet To Be An Idiot” as its theme song… it’s just *beautiful*.

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