Jesus Seminar on the Road

The parental units and I are in Fort Wayne, IN for another Jesus Seminar on the Road. We left around 3pm and arrived about 15 minutes ago (aka 2.5 hour drive). When we arrived at the Holiday Inn Express, our room was still occupied. The other rooms were full, so the desk lady upgraded us to a suite. And, despite what the desk lady told us, there IS free wireless in the rooms. Yay!

A short report on Trick or Treat this year. We actually had “Beggar’s Night” on Halloween (always a treat IMO). However, my numbers were way down on the previous year. Only 41 kids showed up during the night. So sad! I think the rainy day put some folks off (though it didn’t rain during the Trick or Treat time). In a break from my usual tradition, I watched episode 3 of Torchwood and 2 DT episodes of Doctor Who (Tooth & Claw and The Girl in the Fireplace).

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