Baking Day 2006

Mom and I once again locked ourselves in her kitchen all day and baked our little hearts out. Yup, it’s our annual Baking Day! (OK, if you’re picturing us locked into the kitchen with shackles and a taskmaster cracking a whip, it wasn’t quite like that…)

In 2004 and 2005 I reported on those Baking Days. We’ve stuck with most of the usual lot for baked goods. Though we did try one former classic once again – Oatmeal Carmelitas. Think chocolate chip cookie bars with gooey caramel and pecans. Indeed, they came out so gooey that we’re just going to bring them along in their original pan rather than get them out to set with the other cookies.

The list of things we made were as follows:

  • Ice Box Cookies (Butterscotch cookies – a family favorite, great with coffee apparently)
  • Oatmeal Carmelitas
  • Caramel Pecan Dreams (AKA floor sweeping cake – this time with REAL floor sweepings!)
  • Lindy Cookies (mom’s classic oatmeal chocolate chip cookies)
  • Cheesecake Cupcakes (a double batch)
  • Peanut Blossoms (AKA nipple cookies)
  • Candy Buckeyes (using a slightly different recipe and Ghirardelli chocolate chips)
  • Market Day Sugar Cookies (which we haven’t baked yet – we’ll decorate & bake those and the ice box cookies tomorrow)

We’ve tasted most of these and they are YUMMY! Mom and I rock mightily. 🙂 Tomorrow, as I mentioned in the list, mom will be baking the ice box cookies (we made a double batch – that’s 12 cups of flour!!!) and when I get home from work, we’ll decorate and bake some of the sugar cookies. (The elementary school is doing a monthly fundraiser called Market Day where you can buy a number of prepared food items. I decided to try their holiday sugar cookies. And they had cool decorations which I also got.)

Tomorrow evening, we’re off to the Shorts (Aunt Becky et al) for the extended family Christmas. And Saturday evening is the Andersons. It’ll be sad going to the family gatherings without Amy & Rachel, but in a selfish way, it means we don’t have to share them with anyone when they do come. Hee hee! (Well, Aunt Becky is invited to New Year’s Eve – as is Deanna – so they’ll get to share in A&R a little.)

4 thoughts on “Baking Day 2006

  1. If you share recipes, could I have the recipes for the Ice Box cookies and the Lindy Cookies? I could really use a new oatmeal choco chip cookie recipe. I am going to do so much baking starting on Saturday…

  2. Hoorah for baking day! So far Xander and I have only done gingerbread teachers (complete with decor) for pressies with tiny gingerbread people, stars and other such with the rest of the dough. I’ve also made some gorp (trail mix) for pressies. I want to make butter cookies and more gingerbread. We’ll see how far I get. Good on yer!

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