Short Work Week

Well, turns out Monday wasn’t our only day off of the week. Thanks to more cold weather and later snow (which came Tuesday afternoon and stayed around til late Tuesday night) we wound up with Tuesday and Wednesday off as well. And I really enjoyed the days off.

After playing some City of Heroes on Monday, I actually went to the basement and stained my boards for my future bookshelves. I was quite pleased to finish that job. So yay for day off Monday!

Tuesday, the folks and I went to the grocery in the morning. I picked up some Chinese when we finished (seems silly, I know, to get take away just after you’ve bought lots of lovely food, but I wanted to eat as soon as I got home, not prepare something!) And as we headed home, the snow began. My goal for the day, then, became sitting, watching the snow, and reading. Rather than read in the reading room (where I really can’t see out of the window) I opted to read in my living room, where I have lots of windows to look out. I wound up reading The Wisdom of Big Bird from cover to cover. Yay! Thank you day off #2!

Wednesday morning I decided to walk in the snow to work. I spent 3 hours at work mostly doing webpage work. I am so behind at work I could have spent a week there and still not get caught up, but it was pleasant working without interruption for 3 hours on some stuff that had been needing done. Wednesday afternoon was spent playing. Yay for Wednesday!

Thursday had a 2 hour delay (which I always treat as a 1 hour delay to get some work done before school) and Friday had a guest speaker from ITT and then the county tech meeting, so this was a very nice week for Trina!

Today, I spent most of the time shellacking my boards for the bookshelves. It turns out one quart container of shellac was all I needed. Now I just need to coax dad here to build my bookshelves. 🙂 (He is coming tomorrow, as is mother, for Dinner and a Movie. I’ll be making lasagna roll ups (from Market Day) and showing Zathura.)

If we get no other days off this year, I’ll be just fine. I got what I wanted – real snow (it’s still out there and still very pretty) and some time off work. I think this was just the break I needed to get me to Spring Break. Heh.