The transience of Hoar Frost, the permanence of Fog

I know that judiang will be jealous, but today school was closed. The reason wasn’t some new snow storm that rolled through, but rather some very dense fog that rolled through. That and the layer of ice which had covered the sidewalks and roads made for difficult travel this morning.

Despite the bad weather, dad and I carefully walked into work around 8am this morning. We slipped several times, but neither of us fell down, thankfully. And we worked all day with a nice hour home for lunch. And the fog? It’s only just now dissipating! This is the longest I remember fog hanging around. It was out when mother headed into work (she had to be there at 3am!!!!!) and now around 4pm it’s finally clearing. Visibility was only about 50 feet when dad and I headed into work and it hadn’t improved all that much when we left for lunch.

The good news about working with no one else in the building (OK, so there were a few folks, but not many!) is you can get a lot of stuff done. We managed to clear up quite a few work orders during the day and that’s a nice ease on my usual stress. Sure, we’re still behind, but not as behind as we were! 🙂

The big drawback to the day off today is that we’ve already had our 5 allotted Calamity Days. So today’s day off will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Currently I’m of the opinion that it was worth it. 😉 (I may feel differently on May 31st, heh.)

Oh, and regarding the title of this journal entry – one of the neatest things about today’s odd weather was on our walk back home. The trees were all covered in hoar frost and they looked beautiful. Alas, I had no camera on me, and when I was near my camera, the frost was already gone. Quite an interesting and (thankfully) productive day. 🙂