I Am the Master – well, maybe someday…

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve sent my application in to the University of Buffalo in hopes that they let me enter their Ed.M. program, Science and the Public. Wish me luck!

I’ve been teaching 14 years on my Bachelor’s degree (B.S. in Ed.) and have hemmed & hawed on a Masters program for, like, ever. But my mom got a brochure from the Center for Inquiry on this Masters degree and sent it my way. And I think I’ll like it. The one drawback is that it’s all online and, well, I don’t have the world’s greatest willpower. Still, every online class I’ve taken (without dropping…) I’ve done OK on. And I love chatting with my classmates in the forums. (It’s great to talk with adults about science for a change!)

Hmmm, I’ve now got butterflies in my stomach. I haven’t done an application like this in a long time – it’s almost a welcome feeling. Welcome back butterflies!

7 thoughts on “I Am the Master – well, maybe someday…

  1. Luck!! Pity it’s online, though, or I could take you around the city and show you all the best places to eat. 🙂

  2. Congratulations! This is terrific news, I’m very excited for you. Plus, the biggest benefit is that, since it’s online, you don’t have to go to Buffalo! It’s not Pleasant and it’s not on a Hill.

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