JSoR – the Art & Steve Show

Tonight the folks and I are, once again, at the Hilton in Fort Wayne. And once again, we are here for a Jesus Seminar on the Road. The two Scholars who are lecturing during this JSoR are Art Dewey and Steve Patterson, neither of whom I’d met before tonight. They used tonight’s session to introduce the audience to the Jesus Seminar and associated seminars. Although most of the information I’d heard before, the evening was informative and, more importantly, entertaining.

The hotel is just a few blocks from the UCC church where the JSoR is being held, so we decided to walk. The last time we stayed at the Hilton, it was November, cold, and windy. This time it’s May, warm, and breezy. So we had a pleasant walk to King Gyros for (funnily enough) gyros and fries (and I had Pepsi for beverage – 2 glasses full! Guess I won’t be sleeping tonight!) Good and messy, just the way I like my gyros!

We then walked to the church, which is near Trinity Lutheran Church (and English Lutheran at that, whatever that means). And turns out is home to the secondary parking lot of the Lutheran Church. I wonder if that means more UCC folk walk or if the congregation of the Lutheran Church is just so much bigger.

Anyhoo, we had half an hour to kill before the evening session started, so we wandered around the church some and one of the volunteers led mom and I into the “Pretty Room” which is a nice room in the church for meditation, reading, counseling, whatever. It was a nice place to wait for a JSoR to begin as well.

I bought a book from Polebridge Press (the Jesus Seminar’s publishing company) called Profiles of Jesus. It’s a look at 14 different scholars views of who Jesus might have been. Sounds like an interesting read.

Anyhoo, after the session, we walked back to the hotel (another very pleasant walk) and met the two Fellows in the bar. Neither of them had supper, so they ate (and Steve let me have his fries) and we all drank and had a very fun evening chatting about odds & ends. I like dad’s little Internet friends!

Tomorrow we have 4 one-hour workshops with the two Fellows, so we’ll have to get up at a decent hour. Ah well, should be worth it. And I hope the kitties are having a fun evening tonight!

2 thoughts on “JSoR – the Art & Steve Show

  1. FYI–English Lutheran means the service is held in English. It differentiated from the other churches who held their services in German, Norwegian, or some other language.

    1. Ah! Gotcha. Since Luther was German in the first place, I was wondering where the “English” came in. Thanks for the info.

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