Finished Bookshelves

I promised pictures of my finished bookshelves, and here they are. I’m still in the process of putting books on the shelves (though my Doctor Who books are on their shelves now), and will post the final photos when I get that done. Yay for books! Yay for kitties who love people who love books!

Books in Waiting
Books in Waiting

My books, patiently waiting for my bookshelves to be built.

Mapped Out Shelves 1
Mapped Out Shelves 1

Blue masking tape helped me to map out where I wanted my shelves. This set actually was flipped when built – the X marked where I wanted to put the sound system.

Completed Shelves 1
Completed Shelves 1

The first set of shelves is done!

Completed Shelves 2
Completed Shelves 2

And the second set – woohoo!

Completed Shelves 3
Completed Shelves 3

Two more sets are done…

Completed Shelves 4
Completed Shelves 4

And the final set of shelves – with room for kitty potty & all…

Linus & Lucy Explore the New Shelves
Linus & Lucy Explore the New Shelves

As soon as the dust settled, Linus (top) and Lucy (bottom) had to check out their new bookshelves.