Happy Birthday, Linus & Lucy!

Although no one is really sure what day Linus & Lucy were born, the vet and I made the decision that June 15th would be their official birthdate. So that means today, my babies are one year old! Wow! The time sure flew!

To celebrate, I bought them cat food today. Heh. I’ll be mixing it with their kitten food until they get used to the new food. They’re currently playing with trash in the living room. I give ’em toys, they prefer to empty out the trash can. Go figure. (Not the kitchen trash, thankfully, just some plastic from my recently purchased Doctor Who toys.)

And, for your amusement, three recent photos of the kitties behind the cut.

Linus checks out the flowerbox
Linus checks out the flowerbox

Linus is in the den looking out at that flowerbox.

Does this bed make me look fat?
Does this bed make me look fat?

Seriously, Lucy isn’t that tubby!

Lucy checks out the flowerbox
Lucy checks out the flowerbox

Lucy looks out over the flowerbox from the dining room.

8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Linus & Lucy!

  1. I’ve never seen a cat fill a bed so FULLY as that. Love the pics at the flower boxes. awwwwwww… Happy Birthday kitties!

    1. I think that’s why Lucy only ever sleeps there when no one is looking – because it does make her look fat. 😉

  2. Happy Birthday Linus and Lucy! *waves* The crew here send meows and virtual catnip! =) (p.s. alternate caption for picture “Could those be Cyber-flowers in disguise waiting to attack?” – Linus peering at flowers after watching Dr. Who with Trina) =D

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