Things I learned…

While vacationing with hergrace, elsaf and judiang, I discovered some interesting things, which I shall endeavor to share with you folks.

  • Judi, Elsa and I can’t name all the state capitals to save our lives.
  • Steph’s in-laws are two of the most hospitable people you’re ever likely to meet.
  • Barns are painted red cuz the paint is inexpensive (confirmed with papa).
  • The wait for the Holland tunnel is longer than actually traveling through it.
  • Street lights in NYC are relatively coordinated with each other.
  • Grafton, VT is where the best Vermont Cheddar is made.
  • Steph’s boys are growing up so fast! I mean, the eldest has his learners permit now! Eeeep!
  • Even with a room full of geeks, getting regular DVD players to play non-regular DVDs is pretty damned difficult.
  • GPS units don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know either.
  • Garmin, the GPS manufacturer, has stock in the Holland Tunnel. (Well, that’s our best guess at its continual behavior to try and send us through it both times.)
  • You *can* go from Vermont to Philly without going through New York City.
  • Trina is still obsessing about driving through the Holland Tunnel and NYC. (Sheesh woman, GET OVER IT!)
  • The Vermont Country Store requires hours of looking in order to see (and taste) it all. I think I need another trip to VT.
  • Ben & Jerry’s is no longer owned by Ben & Jerry.
  • How much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  • There are still glassblowers around using the same equipment that was used centuries ago.
  • Vermont has Deer Crossing, Moose Crossing, Bear Crossing, and Truck Crossing signs. (I always wondered what happened when trucks went wild!)
  • When the airport security check your luggage, they pack it back up even better than it was when you packed it.
  • Judi liked the last ep of Doctor who least of the four of us. That surprised me to no end.
  • I have some of the bestest friends in the world. (Well, I knew this before the trip, but it’s always great to confirm it.)
  • As lovely as Vermont is, There’s No Place Like Home. 🙂

Also, in the “It’s A Small World After All” stakes: Today at church, I found out one of the ladies there has a son who lives in Springfield, VT and attends a Unitarian Universalist Church in Chester. (She says it’s the old stone church – I didn’t know that was a UU church!)