Indeed – cats are like the ultimate bendy toys. Probably explains why Linus is always trying to steal my bendy toys from my desk. He has a kinship with them.
D’you reckon if you pushed one down the stairs it would move like a Slinky? :p Lolz, I’ve seen my babies pull off the weirdest contortions, especially when sleeping on the stairs (coz they is evil and trying to kill us, obviously)
Good thing they’re so bendy, innit :p
Indeed – cats are like the ultimate bendy toys. Probably explains why Linus is always trying to steal my bendy toys from my desk. He has a kinship with them.
D’you reckon if you pushed one down the stairs it would move like a Slinky? :p Lolz, I’ve seen my babies pull off the weirdest contortions, especially when sleeping on the stairs (coz they is evil and trying to kill us, obviously)
Awwwww. =^.^= How old are they? They’ve gotten huge really fast. ^^
A year & a month, more or less.
Trina’s got KITTY PILLOWS!
Too cute for words!
I can’t quite figure out which head belongs to which cat. Hmmm.
I’m quite concerned about the head which doesn’t appear to be connected to a cat.
Ooooh…kitty tummies! Are you allowed to touch them or no?
Wow, that’s so cute it’s cuteness even touches me (and that’s saying something, I tend to dislike or ignore small mammals) *pokes them gently*
Either they’ve grown really quick or my cats are just midgets.
“oh hai i spliced ur DNA”
Just wanted to say Hello to everyone. Much to read and learn here, I’m sure I will enjoy !