elsaf introduced me to the group wild_photos last year, but I never got around to publishing photos of my hometown in the Where I Live Day (WILD) community. But this year I was prepared. Two weeks ago, armed only with my trusty digital camera and a beautiful day, I took loads of photos of my town. So, come with me and take a walk around town.
Here’s my house & garage. Linus, my cat, can just barely be seen in the picture window looking out at me. I had hoped my lawn boy would have gotten to the shrubs by now, but he’s been too busy at his real job. |
Gas Station
Here’s the local gas station, which is also the closest thing we have to a grocery now. The day I took the photo (2 weeks ago), gas was $2.75 a gallon. Today it’s 10 cents less. |
The View into Town
Anyone driving up from the south will have this view of town. If you look carefully, you can see the monument. It’s the triangular gray thing in the center of the road. |
Still in Town
Yes, this is another view from in the town. Although the barn itself is technically not in town, where I’m standing to take the photo is. |
Church of the Brethren
There are 5 churches in our very small town (3 on Church Street, oddly enough). I must not have gotten around to taking the photo of the one that’s on the National Registry of Buildings. |
Here’s my alma mater and current employer. The windows in the bottom right are from my science lab. |
Klopfer Building
This building used to house Klopfer’s Grocery, long since out of business. (Well, they were open when I was a kid.) Around the back right of the building is where the new pizza place is. It’s good food too – had lunch there today. |
I’m still in town as I’m heading for the river. Beyond this corn field is the cemetery. |
This bridge is outside of town and crosses the Stillwater River. When my sister and I were little (and the bridge was an old steel bridge) we’d ride our bikes here and play Pooh Sticks. |
Stillwater River
The Stillwater River – looking a bit low these days thanks to the drought-like conditions. |
Back in town again to visit the cemetery. |
Up close & personal with some corn. This is what you see if you’re looking away from the gravestones in the cemetery. |
Grain Elevator
What town is complete without a grain elevator? |
We even have our own graffiti in town (on the previously mentioned grain elevator). The “90” is from the class after mine in high school. Not sure if the graffiti is as well or not. |
Now you know the name of the town… But I took this photo for the sign. How many places do you know of who advertise the medications they sell in their vending machines? I know of one! |
The Beery School
This building used to house the Beery School of Horsemanship (The Only School Of Its Kind In The World). It was a correspondence school of horsemanship. Was very famous in the right circles. (I guess the circles that horses went around in.) |
Ah, the town monument. It’s a Civil War soldier looking south to alert us if the South ever rises up again. Or something. Still, folks in the area might not know my town, but if you say “It’s the one with the monument in the center” folks go “Oh! I drove through there once!” |
Gorgeous photos, and wow, that place is so clean. I’m tempted to do the same thing for my town (that would be Erdington in the West Midlands if you want to look it up) just for the sheer contrast of it.
Clean? Never thought about it that way. But yeah, I guess you’re right. (The day after Beggar’s Night not so much, however. Beggar’s Night being the night kids Trick or Treat. Which is, alas, not always on Halloween in this area.) Would be neat to see your photos. 🙂
I was hoping for a picture of the hill. Oh well. 😀
Ask, and ye shall receive.
I took this on the walk for you & elsaf. You’ll see it in person well enough when you come to visit. I’m making you walk up it!
Cool beans! What a nice town. I love 3-story schools. For part of one short year in Michigan I got to attend one. Ah! A town monument. Every single county square in Georgia (and probably in the entire southeast) has a similar War of Northern Aggression statue. Of course, ours have a nice rebel boy on the top, and far too many names below. I always get a kick out of seeing the Yankee versions when we’re up north. 🙂