Zoo Vids

The following are short 15 second videos of critters from our Toledo Zoo visit. (My camera can do 15 second shots with no sound recording. So far, that’s been quite sufficient for my needs.)

Meerkats at play. I love the one that falls over while leaning back.

A glow-in-the-dark jellyfish. (The conversion to YouTube means that it gets darker faster for some reason.)

Finding Nemo: a clown fish plays with an anemone.

Alas, I keep getting errors on my processing for the Butterflies video, so you folks are spared won’t get to see that one.

(It’s nearly 11am and judiang is still asleep! Just cuz we stayed up til after 2am to watch some shooting stars…)

3 thoughts on “Zoo Vids

    1. Yup, we did. We started seeing them around quarter til 2 and then several closer to 2. But my ankles got eaten by mosquitoes and so we decided to come back in – it was only 2:09am. I certainly saw more shooting stars last night than I’d ever done before. (Probably would say that I saw 15 or so – 3 really bright ones.) There were times we saw more than 1 per minute, and then several minutes would pass before we saw another.

  1. Your meerkat video is made of much win. (can you tell I’ve been reading too much ihasatardis?) I think the little one falling over and kind of looking amazed by it should be an icon. But I’m not sure what it should say.

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