Yellow Springs – a Day Out

Autumn has finally kicked summer to the curb. Not only are the trees starting to turn, but the weather has been very autumny lately. Today was a beautiful sunny day in the high 60s, low 70s F. I got to wear a sweatshirt!

Mom called this morning (well, shortly before noon) asking if I wanted to go to Yellow Springs with her and dad. I can’t say “no” to a trip to Yellow Springs, hippie capital of Ohio. Supposedly they were having an art fair or something with artists showing off their wares. Only when we got there, we never did find any artists hocking their stuff. No matter, we enjoy Yellow Springs for just wandering around & shopping.

Lunch was our first priority, so we ate at the tavern there. And we partook of the outside seating. I had a fish sammich and shared onion rings with the folks. The lettuce was wilted, the bun a little stale, and the fish tasty – all in all, an excellent sandwich. (What, don’t you like wilted lettuce & stale buns? Silly people!)

After lunch, we wandered around the town looking in all of the little shops. I saw lots of neat stuff, but didn’t buy anything until we got to the used bookstore. They had a very new looking copy of the latest Thursday Next book by Jasper Fforde, so I picked it up for $10 less than a new hardback would be.

While we were wandering the town, we saw someone we knew – Amy’s ex-girlfriend Danielle! She spotted us first and we all hugged her. She introduced us to her boyfriend (whose name I don’t recall now – Rob? John? Something like that) and said she was doing well. They live in Columbus, but they came to Yellow Springs for lunch and to hike. She didn’t look any different and claimed we didn’t either. It was lovely seeing her again and I hope she & her bf had a nice time in Yellow Springs.

We left at 4pm and took the long way home. It was a very nice drive. A nice contrast between still green trees, half & half, and fully orange trees. I love autumn!