Happy Thanksgiving!

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you & yours a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope that everyone has a Happy Thursday!

My duties for Thanksgiving are over – I have made a cheeseball for tonight’s dinner. (I’ve made two, actually, so one for me, one for the family.) Aunt Becky’s doing the dinner and we’ll be gathering around 5 or so.

I had yesterday off, and spent most of it reorganizing closets and stuff. What started out as a simple project – put my Physics Teacher journals into binders, became rather complicated when I realized I had no place to put the binders. My front closet is now cleaned out and I intend to start work on the den closet in a short while. I’ve also been sorting VHS tapes and floppies and CD-ROMs and stuff. Have had lots of trash thus far!

Linus is currently resting on my arms, which makes typing a bit difficult, but I am thankful to have such lovely kitties to sleep on me and get in my way and help with cleaning (they’ve been having a blast – especially when I found the remote control car last night). I’m thankful for much more than my kitties, but Linus is making himself known, so the kitties get the mention. To paraphrase someone on my friends list – I am thankful for having so much to be thankful for!

One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Happy thanksgiving! May your cats suddenly learn a multitude of domestic skills, so they can be cute and productive 😛 (if my cat could lie on my arms, I’d loose the use of the limbs entirely, such is her girth)

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