Storm Warning, eh?

This morning we were merely under a Storm Watch starting tomorrow morning until Sunday. Now it’s a Storm Warning. What was predicted at 4-8″ has been upped to 6-8″. I ain’t going anywhere this weekend!

Alas, mom works. I hope she remembers to take her PJs and some playing cards with her! She should get to work just fine before the snow begins – getting home from it will be another issue. (She’s actually been trapped in Troy before due to bad weather. She works in a hospital, so she has to go in regardless.) Isn’t it nice of the weather to remind her just why it’s nice she’s retiring this 31st? 🙂

Anyhoo, I shall endeavor to take photos tomorrow. I like snow (it’s the freezing rain in the forecast I can do without!) And I intend to work on my Sooper Seekrit Project while watching the snow fall. 🙂 Will probably wrap presents too. And grade papers. (Well, it has to be done sometime!)

(I just realized, despite my icon, it’s not actually Winter yet. Heh.)

2 thoughts on “Storm Warning, eh?

  1. It feels so odd reading entries about the ensuing winter… Right now it’s just the beginning of a typically searing Aussie summer for me (average temp the past few days has been around 25/28c, it’ll skyrocket to 35/38 within a month). Also, yay for your Mum and retiring. A well-deserved end to a lifetimes work is a great thing to look forward too (just ignore the fact I’m still a student so I can pretend to be all worldly and wise, k? 😛 )

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