The fun with Kitties

So, like, I’m watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Linus is sitting beside me on the sofa. Earlier, Lucy was as well. But where is she now? Standing in front of the TV and making squeaky noises with her Soft Paws on the glass. She seems quite fascinated by the set up screen (the movie just ended).

I’m debating whether to put on 3 or head to bed. I expect whatever I do, there will be kitties involved. Heh.

4 thoughts on “The fun with Kitties

  1. Heh. We were watching something the other night and wandered out of the bedroom. When we checked back, Snowflake was doing catloaf on the bed, watching the TV very intently.

    1. Lucy watched the entire 3rd movie laying on top of me. Often facing the TV too. There are times when it seems like she’s really into a show. (Turns out she’s a fan of the old cartoon Underdog…)

  2. The year our barn cat had kittens, we brought them into the house to be socialized, and one of them liked to watch figure skating. She’d sit there on the floor in front of the TV with her head going around in circles while the sparkly skaters spun around.

    1. Lucy sometimes likes to follow the cursor around with her eyes (and sometimes try to catch it with her paw) when I’m working on the computer. Heh heh. (I need more Linus & Lucy icons…)

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