Snow Pix

Yesterday, during our bootiful floofy snow, I took some photos.  I sent a few along to mom & dad out in California and they enjoyed showing them to their friends.  Heh.  But one of my favorite shots is of the snow collected on some of the neighbor’s trees.  Plus a shot which makes the snow look like the fake snow you can buy at Christmas time.

Fluffy trees (especially in the back)!  Happy little trees!  Plenty of Magic White used here!  (A joke for you Bob Ross fans.)

See, it was fake snow all along!

Tonight was Parent/Teacher conferences and, as usual, I had no conferences. After getting a lot of paperwork done (mostly professional development committee stuff) I spent much of the night talking with coworkers. One of the secretaries was also nice enough to drive me home since it had begun snowing (again). Who knows, if the wintry mix shows up like they’re predicting, we may have another day off tomorrow. Considering they’ve been wrong so much this season, I’m not betting on it. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Snow Pix

  1. OoooOOooooo…pretty snow pics. What? Are all your students so great that the parents don’t need to come bore you with questions about why Xian’s test grade of 41 isn’t the complete and utter failure it appears at first sight??? 😉 Hope you’ve got plenty of cocoa laid up for the storm. *yum*

    1. Heh. In a bout of spectacular misplanning and then bad weather, the interim reports didn’t get to anyone in time for the conferences. The 4 1/2 weeks ended on conference night, so they advanced the 4 1/2 weeks to 3 1/2 weeks and then the weather conspired against us such that we couldn’t get reports out in time. Heh.

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