Sleet Day!

I went to bed last night knowing we were on a 2-hour delay already, which made me happy (I like to sleep in an hour on 2-hour delay days).  I turned on the news at 11pm and it looked to me like the whole thing was going to miss us, so I was feeling sorry for our superintendent (and the dozens of others) who had already set the delay in place.  But when I awoke, we had gotten plenty of freezing rain overnight and the roads weren’t all that good, nor were they looking to improve.  So we had our 6th Snow Day today. 

I spent the day fiddling about, mostly on a series of web pages for a friend of mine.  But I also got some coursework done that was due today.  And I called mom & dad during the sleeting time.  It was so loud mom could hear it when I held the phone up to the window.  Heh.  The streets, which had been getting better, were back to worse again.  After taking some photos of the sleet covered roads, I turned back and saw the kitties on the sofa.

Awwww, ain’t they cute?

11 thoughts on “Sleet Day!

  1. Aww I should figure out a way to get a photo of mine up they were all curled up together when I came home yesterday btw I’d like to talk lesson plans with you – you ever on IM?

          1. ok i thought so. I added you but haven’t seen you. =) I’ll just wait until you com online. =) thanks!

          2. I need to know your handle or you’ll never see me online. You can e-mail me if you don’t want to write it in a comment here. webmaster at pagefillers dot com

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