What’s Your Ringtone?

One of the nice things about my new phone is that I don’t have to buy ringtones anymore, I can make my own from MP3s. So I got to thinking about what ringtones I wanted for my main contacts. judiang was actually online when I started my quest and when I asked which song from my collection she thought should be her ringtone, she chose “Linus and Lucy.” Gee, pick a quiet one, why don’t you? 😉 Still, I upped the volume on it and it’s set as her ringtone. Some folks were easy to pick for, others not so much. I knew that Amy’s ringtone had to be a Heart tune, so I picked “Crazy on You.” Dad’s got the Muppet Show theme. It was another day before I’d decided that mom’s should be “The Mississippi Squirrel Revival.”

Later I got to thinking, what would I like my ringtone to be for other people? Should I go for something whimsical like the Sesame Street theme, or something that expresses one of my favorite things, like the Pink Panther theme? Or do I pick music from one of my favorite groups like Chumbawamba (“Just Deserts”)? My default ringtone I think will be excellent for getting my attention (MacKeel’s “Star of the County Down”) so maybe I want my ringtone for others to be equally attention grabbing. It’s a heady decision when you think about it.

9 thoughts on “What’s Your Ringtone?

  1. This is what I use on my phone: Default ring tone: “Doctor Who” theme (Eccleston era – Murray Gold) Mum: “Torchwood” theme Sister: “Fish Heads” by Barnes & Barnes Wife: Imperial March theme from “The Empire Strikes Back” In December, I change my default ring tone to “Jingle Bells” as sung by Robert Goulet on “The Simpsons”. (“Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg…”)

  2. I’m too lazy to have different ringtones for different people :p Ringtone: Slip In Elecktrokid. Used to be the Axewound song, but I kept getting funny looks, so… Alarm: GTA Vice City themetune Text Message: GTA 3 pager

    1. My sis-in-law suggested “Baby Got Back” as her own ringtone. I laughed and said “Yup, I’ve got that song.” But then I wondered if she’d prefer “Fat-Bottomed Girls” instead. (Also in my collection.) She replied with a quiet “yes” apparently. Heh.

  3. There is a mahjongg for Xp. I had it on CD. I can’t recall the name right now however. I’m looking for one on the mac. I’d love to find people t play with in person again tho. my mahjongg set is gathering dust (which I guess just gave away the answer.. so shhh don’t tell 😉 and why do I have the feeling I may have done this kind of poll before *eyes peoples answers.. *

    1. Ah, I’d love to have a Mah Jongg set. Things just haven’t manifested such that I’ve gotten one. Someday, perhaps. 🙂 Of course then I’ll be in the same bind as you – will need someone to play it with. Hell, I’d like to play it in person sometime myself – only ever played it on the PC. As for my poll, I keep being wishy washy on what I’d like to have as my ringtone to others. Today it’s “Mama Bee” by Neil Innes. Heh.

      1. It is much better in person. =) I happen to have two mahjong sets. one (my personal fav) is a travel set (it just doesn’t have the trays) The other is in case and has all sorts of stuff. I don’t think I’ve used the larger set yet. You, Judi, and Elsa should play next time your together. =) I’m still looking for the pc version I had – it was quite good. I’m not finding a like version for the mac side – yet. What is the ringtone today? =)

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