A favor to ask of you…

For our Statistics class, we’ll be doing a statistical research project. One of my classmates is doing research on home schooling and has a survey that she needs respondents for. I did the survey myself and it didn’t take very long at all (she specifies 3-5 minutes, but it seemed shorter to me). If you’re willing and able, would you please fill out her survey to help with her project? The survey is completely anonymous (and she probably doesn’t know any of you anyway, heh).


Thanks in advance to those of you who’ve taken the survey!

(In my own project, I decided I’d wade through all of the Ohio Graduation Test/Ohio Achievement Test data and see what I could find. Should be, um, fun?)

2 thoughts on “A favor to ask of you…

  1. Always happy to help out with Uni-type surveys, hoorah! Have fun with your statistical wading 😛

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