I’ve missed my calling!

Forget teaching – I should have been a science writer for MacPaper! I’ve gotten my grades back from my scientific writing course. We had to analyze two science articles and compare to the original studies. Then we had to write two New York Times-style articles on two science studies. And finally write two USA Today (MacPaper)-style articles on two other science studies. And I got 9/10 on five of the assignments and 8/10 on one of the two NYT-style articles. Go me!

For those of you who’ve subscribed to my scienceblog feed (tls_scienceblog) you’ve gotten the first two assignments already and the other four will show up over the next five Wednesdays. My favorite headline is with the last article that I wrote: Bigger Weapons or Bigger Testes – Choose Only One. Heh – how can you not read an article with that title?

Finito – for now!

I have just turned in the 6th assignment for my online summer Masters course – Scientific Writing. Today is also, coincidentally (not!), the last day of the semester. So I’m done with college until August 25th when fall courses begin. Though I need to work on a thesis idea since one of my classes is the first of my thesis classes. I’d like to do something with children’s science books, but I haven’t gotten things sorted out in my head yet about it. Then I’ll have to ask one of the three professors (one of whom I’ve not had yet) to be my thesis adviser.

In addition to thinking of theses, I need to be working on my new course for school – Advanced Problems in Science. This is a critical thinking-style class with influences from my Masters program and ideas from when dad created and taught the course. I also have two of my Vernier LabQuests at home that I want to play with and write labs for. So I have lots of intellectual things I want to do yet this summer.

Other summer goals include updating my Sylvester McCoy website to be a Coppermine Gallery. Plus getting old VHS clips into digital format. Plus updating my main website. Plus… well other things too.

So what am I going to do first? Probably resubscribe to World of Warcraft for a month. Heh. When the Olympics start, however, I need to be off the game so that I can fully enjoy the summer Olympics experience. 🙂