I’ve missed my calling!

Forget teaching – I should have been a science writer for MacPaper! I’ve gotten my grades back from my scientific writing course. We had to analyze two science articles and compare to the original studies. Then we had to write two New York Times-style articles on two science studies. And finally write two USA Today (MacPaper)-style articles on two other science studies. And I got 9/10 on five of the assignments and 8/10 on one of the two NYT-style articles. Go me!

For those of you who’ve subscribed to my scienceblog feed (tls_scienceblog) you’ve gotten the first two assignments already and the other four will show up over the next five Wednesdays. My favorite headline is with the last article that I wrote: Bigger Weapons or Bigger Testes – Choose Only One. Heh – how can you not read an article with that title?

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