Bathroom Progress

There is progress!

I has a tub! (It’s not hooked up, but I has!)

I has tile floor! (I shouldn’t walk on it yet, but I has!)

I no has toilet (yet). Tomorrow, hopefully!

I have uploaded a boatload of photos on the job thus far on my gallery. If you’re curious, go have a peek. I’ll keep adding to it as the job continues.

Last night, I stopped drinking fluids around 6:30pm. I went next door to mom & dad’s around 10 to take a bath & pee. Then I returned home to geek on the PC (and finish updating my new iPod*) and eventually go to bed.

At 4:30am I woke up and I had to pee. Bugger. So I got dressed, went outside to my loving neighbors (who left the back door unlocked for me), snuck into the house, went to the bathroom, and returned home. Only to then not be able to fall asleep again. After a bit, I finished reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (I really liked that book!). Then around 6:30am I got up. Blech.

Tomorrow, judiang flies in! I’m not taking her straight to the Lake however. Since the contractor’s running a day behind, I might stay over until Friday. I’ll see how things go tomorrow. But no matter, I have entertainment for the Gods of Rrrrrrrragnarrrrok Judi. Mom & dad and Aunt Becky are joining us tomorrow evening for some Penn & Teller’s Bullshit watching, munching of Indians Pizza, and playing cards. (Only one of those options will not include my dad. I’ll let y’all guess which one.)

elsaf arrives Friday and we’ll definitely be at the Lake by then. Apart from some point in time where I’ll grill corn on the cob (Friday night, probably) and another point in time (Saturday evening, definitely) Elsa will grill Yet Another Glorious Meal, we don’t have any firm plans. We’re hoping to get some bike riding in. I think it’ll be fun to ride around the park a bit. 🙂 Judi assures us she’ll remember how to ride a bike. She’d better! 🙂

*My old 60GB 4G iPod finally snuffed it the other day. I tried everything they suggested on the Apple site to no avail. So, knowing I needs my music for working in the house, working in the lab, etc, I ordered another one. I got a refurb 80GB iPod Classic. It arrived yesterday morning. For grins, I have purchased Blink for it. And, for equality in Scottish Doctors, I converted That Circus Episode of Doctor Who into iPod compatible video and stuck it on there too. And I’ve got all my MP3s and many Sylv photos on it. Yay iPod!

4 thoughts on “Bathroom Progress

  1. At last I’ve caught up in my reading to your entry! yay!!!! Lookin’ good. yeah, I can understand why you’re proud of removing hte wallpaper yourself. It’s a bitch of a job. Soon I hope to have photos of Xian’s room all nicely painted (and cleaned) up on line. Wish I could be there with y’all. Have fun!!

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