Millennium Park

I’m back in the Windy City – a mere month from my last visit here. Indeed, this is the first time since I was a kid (I think) that I’ve been here in the summer and it’s not around Taste of Chicago. No matter, there’s lots to do (and eat) even though that festival isn’t going on.

Today’s flight was uneventful – yay. I made my way to judiang‘s place, but before I had crossed Wabash, there was Judi caddy-corner to me and trying to phone me. She was meeting me to go to Howie’s for lunch, which we did. I went for fish & chips, and got a chocolate shake cuz Judi was getting a vanilla shake and that sounded yummy.

We headed back to her place where Lance greeted me, looking very chipper (a contrast from last weekend, apparently. Glad he’s doing better!) Judi and I then sort of vegged for a bit, eventually each taking a nap. This refreshed us quite nicely for our Grand Adventure yet to come.

Our only real plan for the day was to have tapas for supper at Exposure (which is also on Wabash). But then I asked about going to the Apple store, so that’s where we headed off. We took the #3 bus up Michigan Ave and as we paused by Millennium Park, Judi asked me if I’d been there before. I hadn’t, so we hopped off the bus and visited the park.

The Grant Park Orchestra was rehearsing for tomorrow night’s performance, so we listened for awhile. It was a lovely day and I took lots of photos. We walked through the flower garden and across the BP Bridge. But eventually we continued walking up Michigan Ave towards the Apple Store.

Along the way, we encountered Eno. This is a wine/cheese/chocolate place. They serve flites of wine, of cheese, and of chocolate. We’re not big on wine, but we love cheese and we love chocolate. So Judi ordered a Riesling for herself and we got the International cheese flite and the bittersweet chocolate flite. We both enjoyed the 4 year old Gouda and the cheddar. The Spanish cheese was a little tasteless in my opinion. I liked all of the chocolates, but Judi really disliked the third chocolate, so I ate the extra piece of it.

We also popped into an art store on the walk and talked to a nice young man from the Cleveland area who enjoys Cedar Point. And eventually we made it to the Apple store. That’s a neat little place. And there was a lady teaching a workshop on the second floor. Judi and I both managed avoid buying anything, so yay us!

We just missed the #3 back, so we waited at the bus stop for the next one. Bus after bus came by, but none of then the #3. Judi eventually got pissed off enough that she hailed a cab to take us to the tapas place.

This was her first time to Exposure, even though it’s just two blocks from her apartment. She needs me and Elsa to visit in order to explore her neighborhood. 🙂 We picked out four tapas to try (they go for a variety of cuisines rather than sticking to Mexican): steamed mussels, crispy Asian calamari, goat cheese gnocchi with pulled pork and caramelized onions, crab stuffed jumbo shrimp with Israeli cous cous and a shallot cream sauce. Then the waiter told us they also had fondue on the menu. So we ordered that as well. He wanted to know what type of cheese, but we said “surprise us.” He picked Gruyere, which was an excellent choice. We enjoyed the tapas (though it turns out I don’t like steamed mussels and Judi managed to eat a hot pepper while eating the calamari which nearly wiped her out).

Although we’d stuffed ourselves silly at Exposure (though they take forever to serve you each tapas, so it takes a couple of hours to eat it all) we decided to get some ice cream at Marble Slab for dessert. I chose peppermint ice cream and double chocolate ice cream. Yum!

I took photos with my camera while we were in the Park and have posted them for your edification.

Millennium Park amphitheater
Millennium Park amphitheater

Symphony in the park – what a lovely idea. The weird structure over the lawn area supports lots of speakers to allow everyone to hear the orchestra.

Millennium Park amphitheater - alternate view
Millennium Park amphitheater – alternate view

Turn away from the amphitheater and this is what you see.

Grant Park Orchestra rehearses
Grant Park Orchestra rehearses

The Grant Park Orchestra rehearses for Friday and Saturday’s concerts in the Millennium Park’s amphitheater.


Judi and I enjoyed this view from where we were sitting and enjoying the practice of the orchestra.

Millennium Park flower garden
Millennium Park flower garden

There’s a nice assortment of flowers at the park. I loved the juxtaposition of flowers and cityscape.

Millennium Park sculpture
Millennium Park sculpture

There’s this neat reflective kidney bean at the park. Can you see me reflected in the surface?

Millennium Park sculpture 2
Millennium Park sculpture 2

Here I am!

King Lear
King Lear

A King Lear statue by J. Steward Johnson, 2008.

3 thoughts on “Millennium Park

  1. Hi, Trina! Well, even if you don’t get to swing by and see me at the store, I’m so happy you’re having a such a wonderful time in my city! Good luck with your bath remodel! :J

  2. Oooo…well hidden Trina! 😉 Sounds like a grand day out indeed. And is it my imagination, or is does King Lear appear to be having a deep conversation on his cell phone (probably arguing with Regan…)

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