Bathroom Remuddle – Nearly Done!

My bathroom is nearly complete. I basically just need to paint the baseboard (and possibly the door – mom’s trying to talk me into that) and the ceiling. But for now, I’ve got everything else completed. I’m really liking my bathroom!

Teaser photo:

A nice “after” shot of my bathroom. A marked improvement over the “before” shot.

Head over to my gallery to see photos of the job. For those of you who looked last time I posted the URL, you can skip ahead to this point to see the new photos.

5 thoughts on “Bathroom Remuddle – Nearly Done!

  1. Oh, iz BEYOOTIFUL nao! I loved seeing how Linus and Lucy had to inspect things, too; when my dad and I had to repaint my bedroom at the Old House, that was the first time he ever really got to hang out with Thibault, and he commented afterwards that my Orange Boy was the single most doglike cat he’d ever met (owing to his happy and excessively mellow nature); tha Tboy also had to supervise the proceedings throughout, so I know he’d approve of your kids keeping an eye on the construction process as well. 🙂 And yay for deep tubs! I lived without a shower MUCH better than I did without a tub, though; in Eureka we had an awesome old claw-footed tub and no shower, and at the Old House the tub was big enough to accommodate two (provided you were very close to the person you were sharing the tub with–I was, so it wasn’t a problem). That tub was one of the main reasons I didn’t want to move, in fact; the one here is way too narrow and shallow, ugh. Can I ask how old your house is? Having experienced Genuine Old in the U.K. I’ve always felt a little foolish calling my previous residence “the Old House,” but it was built in 1920, which for California is pretty damn ancient. The lack of insulation and oldskool-y plumbing was what made me curious what U.S. version of ‘old’ your house is. And beware the water-conserving toiletry! My parents had a low-flow toilet installed and if you do anything other than pee in it, you have to flush at least twice anyway, pretty much defeating the whole concept there, IMO. Hopefully yours will be an improvement over theirs…

    1. Thanks! I’m quite pleased. I think the house was built in the 1950s. Regarding the toilet – it’s doing a fab job. Supposedly could flush a load of golf balls without a hitch, but I’ve no desire to test that. 🙂

  2. I have to say that is an incredibly attractive bathroom. It was definitely worth seeing the before and after shots of that room. And ohmigosh. If I’d have known there was a basement down there which you could almost fall into, and if I were you, I wouldn’t have dared to go in there. But what lovely, playful cats too. I don’t generally like hairy things with teeth and claws, but that was an exception. They’re lovely. And so is your bathroom. Well done 🙂

    1. Thanks! I will admit, my biggest concern was getting the floor repaired. I didn’t like the bouncy feeling one got while walking in the bathroom. And I’m no featherweight, by far. So I’m sure I taxed things even moreso. Heh. Regarding the cats, there’s one less thing you’d have to worry about ’em. I use SoftPaws to cover their claws, so it’s just hairy things with teeth to worry about. Heh. But they are cuties. And afraid enough of people that if you were to visit, you’d probably not seen Linus at all, and only see Lucy after a couple of hours of visiting.

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