NBC is full of it…

Does NBC think we’re stupid or something? The gymnastics event (uneven bars) with Nastia Liukin took place already in Beijing. However, while watching MSNBC’s 5-7pm show on the Olympics, everyone was talking about the event as if it hadn’t happened yet. (And yes, the MSNBC show was live.) What was really ridiculous was when they interviewed a lady over what she thought Nastia’s chances were. Fer cryin’ out loud! I had already looked on the website and knew the outcome (and won’t tell y’all in case any of you are waiting to see what “happens.”) I found the whole exercise insulting, actually.

(Despite this and some other irritations I’ve had over NBC’s coverage, I’m loving the online content that they’ve provided. I’ve seen more table tennis & archery this year than I’ve ever gotten to see and that makes me very happy.)

11 thoughts on “NBC is full of it…

  1. Heheh, aren’t those announcers complete morons? I couldn’t watch the opening ceremonies because of them. They claimed that the Chinese speak “China”. It was too much FAIL for me.

    1. Alas, I missed most of the opening cermonies (though that means I missed the FAIL as well). I pondered buying the 2-disc DVD set of it, but was afraid it would come with the commentary only. (Ideally, they’d have an audio track without commentary.)

  2. What upset me is they paid the IOC to run the events based on US prime time – instead of the usual pattern that’s always been followed. *idiots*

    1. Supposedly if you install “Silverlight” on your Mac you can watch, but Im about as likely to keep a dead raccoon in my refrigerator as I am to put Microsoft Software on my Mac!

  3. I was watching rythimic gymnastics today and it was interrupted because of technical difficulties. So they showed a lot of commercials instead.

    1. That’s a bummer. 🙁 I haven’t seen any of the rhythmic gymnastics yet. Though I did set my alarm to wake up in order to watch the USA/Japan softball game. Heh.

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