Arrrr! Pirate Bounty!

Thanks t’ payin’ fer college classes wi’ me credit card, I now be havin’ $100 worth o’ vouchers. They gave extra reward points fer college payments, so I got nearly twice as many points as I would be havin’ gotten. Hmmm, wonder what I ortin’ ta buy wi’ me treasure?

(Translation thanks to

6 thoughts on “Arrrr! Pirate Bounty!

    1. Any time. You can get me at webmaster at pagefillers dot com whenever you’re able. (My unsolicited advice, don’t become a special ed teacher unless you really love taking lots & lots & lots of courses thanks to Highly Qualified and NCLB.)

      1. I was thinking of social studies and art, since those are the areas I’m already diploma’d up on… And NCLB blows, I can’t wait till they get rid of it.

  1. Spend ye loots on anything you chance upon and desire – nothin’ like walking past a shop window and thinking “Hmm, I’d like that” and then walking in and buying it straight off 😀

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