Soupin’ it up

With Autumn firmly upon us, I decided this weekend that SOUP was what I needed. I already have mom’s recipe for vegetable soup and have successfully prepared it before, but I decided I also wanted to make mom’s chili soup. So I called her up on Sunday and asked for her recipe. I bought ingredients for both soups later and made the vegetable soup on Sunday. It is very yummy and I have lots of leftovers.

Today was my day to make the chili (my first time ever!), so it’s now simmering on the stove. I’ll post later to let y’all know if it was successful as well. It does smell right, at least. Heh.

Tonight I intend to watch Debate #3 with (I hope) judiang along for commentary. I should pick up some more ice cream from the gas station so I can properly celebrate my third Debate Party. (Must admit, debate parties are more fun with parental units around (and virtual elsaf and Judi), but they’re in Cali and I’m not, so I’ll stick with virtual Judi and ice cream. Heh.)