Yet Another Political Debate

A live blog (ish?) account of the debate.

Hear what we haven’t heard before? I’ll believe that when I see it.

Fannie & Freddie Mae? And I thought we were the people who didn’t know what they were, McCain.

Obama checking off his points again.

McCain talking to a Joe not named “Joe Six-Pack” – impressive.

Politicians ignore reality? Never! (snerk)

Grief, they use the same words over & over again.

They have set answers, so they take the asked question, find the already written question, hatchet it into fitting, then say it.

McCain looks mischievous, Obama looks suave (but needs to smile more).

Heh – good one, McCain. “I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago.”

LOL – “even Fox news disputes it” sayeth Obama over one of McCain’s claim. Even McCain looked shocked.

Ooooh – good question about the tone of the campaign. It has grown ugly.

Yes, we folks are cynical. Most politicians are liars.

Shit – now McCain’s picking on ACORN.

LOL – ACORN + Ayers + Obama now a conspiracy in McCain’s eyes. McCain must be nuts. (Actually…. )

“Americans have gotten to know Sarah Palin” – yeah, and I reallllllly don’t like her. And a role model for women? Fuck no!

Yay – the rains come. (Not due to politics, but due to Mother Nature.)

McCain just said he’s a free traitor! (Oh wait, free trader. Never mind.)

It’s hard to do college work with these politicians talking. I should play Bejeweled instead of trying.

Oh lordy – health care next. Listen to the bullshit flow!

I really don’t care for that $5000 tax credit idea of McCain’s – I don’t know if Obama’s is any better in the long run, but McCain’s just sounds wrong.

“Too much government” from the guy in the party that wants to curb the rights of women and gays.

Go figure: Roe vs Wade is next topic. Hmmm, I wonder what I’d do. Fairness & Justice important in a supreme court judge. Would I have a litmus test? Dunno. I’d hope whoever is on the Supreme Court knows not to REDUCE the rights of the people.

YAY! Preventing unintended pregnancies – that’s something we need to do more of. And Sarah Palin? Teaching abstinence only doesn’t work!

As always, education is last. And as always, people in Washington talking education scares the shit out of me – they haven’t clue one how to teach. (Not that I’m an expert or anything, but I feel like I know better how to do it than either McCain or Obama.)

Fuck choice & competition for schools – it doesn’t work. Especially “vouchers” which suck donkey balls.

Heh – NCLB where they left the money behind. Unfunded (or poorly funded) mandates SUCK and have REALLY hurt my school.

Yay – Obama is anti-voucher! Go Obama!

Heh heh – Linus is sleeping on the sofa with his paw over his head (probably trying to block the sound of politicians talking).

Thank god, it’s over. Closing statements.

“My friends” – honey, you ain’t no friend of mine.

Uh oh – forgot to eat ice cream. Guess I’ll eat it while I watch Olbermann.

“Country first” – a slogan that scares me, too.

Linus now on my chest. Yay kitty! 🙂

Lucy “watched” the last debate with me. That probably explains why she’s not here now. Heh heh.

Heh “Go vote now, it’ll make you feel big and strong” – Bob Shieffer’s mother.