Minneapolis, not Appleton

Unless you’re hard of hearing, you probably don’t see any problem having one gate serving flights to both Appleton and Minneapolis which are 10 minutes apart from each other. But I found it a bit on the confusing side of things today. Thankfully, I got on the correct plane in Milwaukee (after flying there from Dayton this morning) and Amy picked me up outside of the baggage claim.

She drove us first to the post office to pick up the modem & antenna for their new ISP (they’re using USI Wireless with their metro wi-fi) so that I could hook it up later. Then we went to Trotters Cafe where Rachel works (and was working) to have a late lunch. We ordered the two specials (Mexican casserole and a turkey on wheat sourdough sandwich) to share. Amy and I chatted and ate and had a really nice afternoon. Then, with 10 minutes or so left of Rachel’s workday, we returned to the counter to order dessert. I ordered the Chocolate Torture (a dense chocolate cake with creme anglaise drizzled over it) and Amy got a chocolate chip peanut butter cookie. When we reseated ourselves, Frannie Franken, Al Franken’s wife, stopped over to talk us into voting for Al Franken for US Senate. Amy’s first comment to her was “Don’t talk to her” pointing at me “she’s from Ohio.” But Frannie addressed both of us just the same. She was very friendly. Rachel eventually joined us just as we were finishing our desserts.

Amy drove us home to their NEW HOUSE. They have a garage and everything! They gave me the tour of the house, with Fruvous leading the way. He even gave me a bat on the ankle so that I knew I was at Amy & Rachel’s place. Such a friendly cat.

After the tour, Rachel took a nap and I set up Amy’s new modem. I posted two answers to one of my college discussion boards which I’d answered during my hour layover in Milwaukee. Heh. And now I’m writing this.

We’re in the process now of getting ready to go to the Craftsman Restaurant for Melissa’s birthday (she’s a friend of Amy & Rachel’s). We’re all plenty hungry and looking forward to trying the place out.