Nearly done! Woot!

Well, I think I have both of my final papers in nearly presentable formats. I’m letting them stew overnight, now, so that tomorrow evening I can reread them with semi-fresh eyes. Both dad and judiang pronounced my essay well-written, so that makes me happy. They both also offered up useful suggestions. Using the comments from two classmates and my professor, I think I have gotten my research proposal more ready for prime time than before. There is still work to be done on it, and I hope my professor makes more helpful comments. I’m considering using that proposal as possibly the basis for my Master’s Thesis, so any suggestions he has will help immensely.

Anyhoo, tomorrow after work, our teacher’s union is having an informal gathering at Applebee’s so I’ll definitely be going there. Then that evening, I’ll reread the papers, correct anything else I notice, and turn the fuckers in. Whew!

Saturday should be a fun day. In celebration for mom’s birthday (and the end of my semester) the folks and I will go out to eat somewhere and do some shopping at JoAnn’s (I need some supplies for Xmas gifts I’m making this year). I’m also hoping to go see a movie or two this weekend. And definitely re-up my WoW subscription. (I’ll hold off a couple of days before re-upping City of Heroes so that I can be playing it right up until classes begin again.)

So yay – I can just smell freedom and it smells great!

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