Icky Icy

It didn’t look like much, but today we had ice, icy fog, icy rain, and icy mist. And that gave us icy sidewalks and icy streets. And also gave us closed school. So I had the day off and used the time to put my Christmas tree up. Yay!

I kept thinking I’d go out when things cleared up more in order to get stuff so I could bring something to the teacher’s Xmas luncheon tomorrow, but it never did look any better as the day wore on. So tomorrow, on my way in, I’ll pick up something at the gas station (Doritos or something). It’s not what I’d planned (home-made Chex Mix was what I’d planned) but at least I won’t be freeloading (like usual).

Here it is, second calamity day of the year, and it’s not even Winter. 🙂