I can sleep in tomorrow!

With 5+ inches of very blowy snow already on the ground and very low temps & windy weather promised for tomorrow, our superintendent (wisely, IMO) has already closed school for tomorrow. So yay, I can sleep in tomorrow!

Those of you (mom, this means you) having to go out in such weather, drive safe!

Snow – finally!

Although we’ve had some ice storms so far this winter, our snow has been relatively little. But today, we’re finally getting some of the white stuff. Although we had 2 hour delays yesterday and Monday, today school started on time. It was very cold, but the roads and sidewalks were pretty clear. It wasn’t snowing yet, either. Apparently already tired of the teachers and students asking if we were getting out early, the superintendent had made a sign and stuck it on his chest saying “2:36” and pointed to it when people would get ready to ask a question. (That’s the regular dismissal time for school.) He popped into my room and asked if anyone had any questions. And if so, the answer was… and he’d point to his sign. Heh. Poor guy.

Within an hour of school starting, however, the snow had begun. And continued. And every time administrators went by my classroom (which is right next to the superintendent’s office, so this happened often in a regular day) the kids would mutter and get all excited. When physics class started (my 4th period class) one of the girls assured us that we were getting out at 11:30am. Sure enough, a few minutes into 4th period, the principal got on the announcements and told us the same thing. Wow – never got out that early for an early dismissal. They canceled lunch as well.

Before 11:30 came, they dismissed the high school students who drive to school to let them get out of the parking lot before the buses and walkers headed out. Then at 11:28 the bell rang and students headed out. Once all of the kids were out, I walked home and enjoyed the lovely view. The kitties were nonplussed about my early arrival. And they’ve been loving the snow, especially if the birds get to flying about in the trees.

The snow is still falling and it’s pretty to look at. And I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere. I wouldn’t want to have to drive in this. (Alas, mother works tomorrow. But of course there’d be subzero temps and lots of snow – I think the weather keeps trying to remind her that she’s retired.)