Lobster Night

Go figure – two days after the big snowstorm had crappier roads than the day after… So we had the day off yesterday. I had a nice relaxing day. Got some college work done. Finished a book. Plenty of quality kitty time. Etc.

Today’s been relaxing too. Been updating the tunes on my iPods (over 9000 mp3s going onto my iPod classic now). Balanced my checkbook & paid my mortgage bill online (for the first time – we’ll see how that works soon enough).

Tonight should be fun – it’s Lobster Night at the Weavers. Bunch of friends from work (both now and from the past) will be gathering to munch on lobster and (hopefully) lasagna. The lady who usually brings lasagna whenever there’s shellfish (she’s not partial to it) wasn’t sure at first if they could make it since her hubby’s suffered a bad back. But his love of lobster is such that he intends to go. Dad is glad, though he was more than willing to stop ’round their place on the way to pick up the lasagna if he had to. 🙂 Mom & I will be having lobster, of course.

In other news, I made a design with my calendar entries this month! It’s the Eiffel Tower! Or something. Good thing I don’t usually shoot for patterns in my posting. Still, it was fun this month.

Well, Linus is on my lap ready for some quality kitty time (which coincides with quality college time), so I’ll head off for now.