Nearing the End

I intend to come up for air next Wednesday. But for now, thanks to procrastination and my weird problem with closure (in that I avoid it), I’ve got two final papers to write and turn in (one due Tomorrow, the other next Tuesday) and then I’m done with my last proper semester. Everything after this is just thesis.

So anyhoo, I’d better start my paper that’s due tomorrow. (OK, so it’s started, but so far it’s nothing more than a few quotes and the beginning paragraph.) Who knows, maybe I’ll even finish it tonight. Then I can let it sleep and look over it tomorrow to see if it’s shit or not. Heh. (Thankfully, I’ve only missed 1 point in the course so far, so hopefully I can do well enough on this paper to get an A.)

My other final paper (min 15 pages, 10pt font, double spaced) is currently only an outline. I know what I’m doing this weekend!* 🙂

*Yeah, yeah, procrastinating so that I wind up writing the bloody thing Monday night…

3 thoughts on “Nearing the End

  1. I’m a procrastinator too. That’s why I was so surprised that I didn’t finish my final papers at the last minute. Now, studying for my final tomorrow..that’s a different story.

  2. *screams in horror for Trina, because she’s too calm to do it herself* 😉 Oh, the joys of procrastination. Yikes!

  3. Heh, I did that all the time in college. The first draft I banged out was what was submitted. Time pressure created the most eloquent BS. Worked for me. However I did give the 15-pagers a little more time. You can do it!

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