Productivity, thy name is trinalin

Wow, a productive day for me! Not in any order, today I

  • Roomba’d the place twice
  • Planted flowers in my window boxes (vinca aka periwinkle)
  • Talked with my sissy on the phone
  • Cleaned the bathroom
  • Did the laundry
  • Worked in the lab for 2 1/2 hours, getting it ready for the next experiment and backing up our test Acer Aspire One 10″ netbook (before I load new OSes onto it)
  • Went to Covington for BBQ chicken
  • Watched “The Fires of Pompeii” (DW season 4)
  • Talked with elsaf & judiang online

Needless to say, I’m worn out. Heh.

3 thoughts on “Productivity, thy name is trinalin

    1. That’s a Roomba. (My cats, however, will likely never ride it. They tend to avoid it when it’s running.) It’s a robot vacuum cleaner.

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