Relaxing at the Lake

For 10 years or so elsaf and judiang have been joining me at my folks’ cottage at Lake Loramie every Memorial Day weekend. To me, summer doesn’t officially begin until I see the girls. Half of that has been fulfilled with Judi arriving last night at the airport. Elsa is currently driving south and probably has another half hour to hour yet to travel. (She’s been texting updates to Judi all day.)

Today, Judi and I have been indulging in lazy. It’s been lovely. After eating Judi’s second Cinnabon (she couldn’t resist them at the airport yesterday and bought a pair) for breakfast, I headed off to Wagner’s grocery for foodstuff. Then Judi and I lazed the morning away. After Elsa’s text around noon, I figured it would be a good idea to “turn on the fire” so we could have lunch. Judi and I grilled hot dogs and accompanied them with baked beans and snackies (homemade Chex Mix and not homemade Munchies). Tasty tasty.

After lunch, I installed Ubuntu 9.04 (netbook remix) onto our test 10″ Acer netbook (by “our” I mean the school’s – we have it for 30 days or so to test out and can do what we want with it during that time). Damn, Linux has gotten easier & easier to install. After running Live Linux to see if it could detect the wireless card (it could), I installed it. Hell, even the onboard video came works! Although I like the default look of 9.04, I’ll probably revert back to the normal look.

I decided to read awhile as the partition software worked its magic on the Acer and wound up falling asleep. But I didn’t sleep long and was back working on the Acer and then decided to work on getting supper ready. The pork was already marinading in my own mango concoction. I have just finished getting the veggies ready (green peppers, Vidalian onion, pineapple) for grilling. Elsa gets a break tonight, but tomorrow night she’s gonna be cooking up a storm. Or something. 🙂

It’s lovely to be sitting outside, looking over the lake, and typing on my itty bitty netbook. Listening to my iPod too. Heh. I am a geek.