Blows the dust off this journal

Wow, been 20 days since I last posted. Course the main reason is cuz I’ve not been doing much of anything. But my summer vacation is almost up – teachers first day is Wednesday. Kids come the following Monday.

So to finish off my very short summer, judiang has flown in today and we’ll be weekending here at mom & dad’s cottage at the Lake. Alas, elsaf can’t join us, so we’re missing her. Still, we’ll try to have fun without her. 🙂

Since Judi had to fly into Columbus (cuz it’s so much cheaper than flying into Dayton), I looked around online for a restaurant there to go for a late lunch. I found a pub called The Old Bag of Nails (the Bexley one), so we headed there for lunch. They’ve totally screwed up the roads around the airport, so my GPS got us a bit lost. Once I removed “major roads” from the settings, it got us there pretty easily.

I had intended to get the “all you can eat fish & chips” so I did. Judi ordered an appetizer of mussels and shrimp (I ate the five shrimp, she had the 4 million mussels – an exaggeration, but they do love giving you mussels) and the seafood platter (fish & chips along with battered shrimp & scallops). The food was very yummy. We then agreed to split the homemade bread pudding ala mode. The waitress brought out two servings of it and apologized for getting carried away when cutting up the freshly baked bread pudding. Sure enough, she only charged us for the one serving. It was also very yummy.

Although I had inputted the address for COSI (the Center of Science and Industry) into my GPS, Judi preferred instead to head on home. No problemo. Stuffed to the gills, we squeezed back into my car and I drove us home. When we got off the interstate, I took her around to mom & dad’s new house & showed her around. She was quite impressed.

After a short stop in my house to pick up the groceries I bought this morning, we finally headed to the Lake. We’ve been here a few hours and have been vegging and catching up on our online lives. I even finished my first book for July. (Most of this year I’ve gotten at least 5 books read in a month – July has been an exception. Though I did reread HP6 & 7 just recently.)

Tomorrow, I’ll be grilling t-bone steaks & corn on the cob for Judi, the parentals, Aunt Becky & Uncle Dean. I shall endeavor to channel Elsa’s cooking mojo. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Blows the dust off this journal

    1. Heh heh – and they’re both photos taken by dad, IIRC. The cat Lake one I have, however, I photographed.

    1. See, now you know how we feel when you post about wondrous meals you fix for Tom & Ardath. 🙂

  1. I even finished my first book for July. (Most of this year I’ve gotten at least 5 books read in a month – July has been an exception. As August arrives, I’m about ten books behind where I wanted to be in my reading; perhaps I should focus on reading quite a lot in August! That’s if life lets me do that, of course…

    1. I’ve discovered I really can’t get a whole lot accomplished during the summer, especially reading. I think I need more structure in order to accomplish stuff.

  2. Its funny you posted today because I was just reading a turlough fic you wrote the decision or something like that.It was really good I liked that he was drawing during a boring situation.i was just thinking about turlough’s relationship with his mother. If he saw her get killed and it would have been interesting if the doctor took him back in time to see his mom.

    1. Just had to go back and reread “Decision Time.” Been so long since I’d written it, I had forgotten what I’d said. Heh. (I have some issues there with changing perspective. Annoys me now.) Thanks for reading it!

      1. Reading it made me think that if turlough had been a companion of Seven instead of Five he so would have taken him back to deal with his(possible) father issues or to see his mother before she died.Or maybe he saw a tractator when he was little and thats really why he was so scared of them in Frontios.

    1. Hear hear! Now that I’m as done with dinner prep as I can be (until mom brings the corn and/or it’s time to get the steaks out to warm to room temp) I can go back to doing nothing much. 😉

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