First Day of School 2009

Today was the first day of school for kids. (We teachers were back to work last Wednesday). We’re going in early this year in order to finish up early so we can be out of the building in time for them to tear it down.

It was a good day, albeit hot. I wasn’t at all surprised to see our cool summer turn back to normal as soon as the kids started back. I also wasn’t surprised that the air conditioner in my room died. But thanks to our wonderful maintenance guy, it’s working again and hopefully can get us through August (and part of September). Next year, new building and air conditioning for all. Yay!

Should be a fun year. While I’ll be teaching, I’ll also be working on my Master’s Thesis. I’ve sent an updated idea off to my advisor and here’s hoping I’m on the right track now. If so, my goal is to have the proposal done before October and a goodly portion of the thesis itself done by the new year. Then I can spend the first couple of months of 2010 cleaning it up and getting ready to finish. Here’s hoping!

Looks like it’s gonna be a good year. Let’s hear it for school – yay! 🙂

6 thoughts on “First Day of School 2009

  1. Wow! Your lot are back early. Xander started back today, and so far so good. Xian said he felt weird because he *should* have been in school too. (However, he’s getting over the weird feeling quickly.) Best wishes on that thesis!

    1. Xander in 7th or 8th grade this year? (I keep thinking he’s my cousin Taylor’s age – she’s in 7th this year.) When does Xian start? Thanks for the well-wishes!

      1. He’s 7th and started today. One of the nice things was he said some of the not-so-nice kids from last year seem to have matured over the summer. He’s also a little nervous since he doesn’t really know anyone in his group. I’m not really worried; he makes friends readily (most of the time!)

  2. Well, as long as you’re happy to be back, that’s all that matters–I will now attempt to tamp down my sense of aggrieved annoyance that your summer holidays seem to have been of such a brief duration. 😉

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