Laboring under a cold

My timing couldn’t be more perfect – I have a nice 3 day weekend ahead of me and… I think I’m coming down with a cold.

Still, I’ve done what I can thus far to knock it out. I have had Mrs. Grass’ Noodle Soup and a fizzy pop (Jones cream soda, if you want to know) for supper. I watched “The Pied Piper” on DVD (it was the next episode cued up – I swear!) I have just taken a Nyquil (well, a clone thereof). And I’m gonna lay down for a bit and nap (AKA, sleep). I gotta be well by Sunday cuz I’m going with the parental units to the Heritage Festival. Or to Ikea. Whatever the current plan is. (Then we go the other place on Monday.)

So, cold, go away. I don’t want you this weekend.

15 thoughts on “Laboring under a cold

  1. Feel Better by morning! =) Episode of what? Editing to ask.. how do you do the “random book by library thing” box *points to sidebar* ??

    1. Episode of Faerie Tale Theatre. Knew I should have linked to my previous post. Ah well, best laid plans and all that jazz. As for the Random Book thing, I’m using the widget from LibraryThing that’s here: The LJ theme I use, Component, lets you add things to the sidebar like that. (Yours probably does too.) If LJ sidebars did Flash, there are better widgets here: Oh – and thanks for the well-wishes. (Sure enough, not sick enough to not geek, just too sick to say “please & thank you.”)

      1. No worries. I’m out here with auntie Flo (freezing ! it is 82 and i’m wearing pants and a long sleeved shirt and in pain.. argh) anyway mid post someone’s lid comes to the window and begins banging on it to annoy my cats. I finally said “Please don’t do that” not really wanting to be mean.. but honestly.. that mother is not a very good parent.. she is more intent on her cell phone than anything else. I’ve also seen her shake that newborn way too hard. *sigh* Anyway The kid complains that I yelled at her. *rolls eyes* At least the woman said it is her house you shouldn’t have been there. Now one word of “get away from the window though”. If I had gone anywhere near someones house like that I’d not have been able to sit down for a day. edited for painful typing / spelling.

    1. Not mixed. Just drank soda while sipping soup. Well, even that sounds like “at the same time” but no, I took turns. Fizzy pop is good for you when you are sick – makes you burp and get rid of the bad gases. Or something. (No scientific studies have been performed to test this – this is merely anecdotal via my grandma.)

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