Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween today!

Wound up being a productive day for me. I just sent the following to the Masters Thesis forum for our Science and the Public Program at uni:

They don’t call me Trina “A Day Late and a Dollar” Short for nothing. Let it be known that the proposal, she is-a-written. I’ve sent it to my father (a retired physical science teacher) for constructive criticism and should be able to mail it to Dr. Liu tomorrow (Sunday, the day after my self-determined deadline).

🙂 I then wished them all luck on their own goals. I’m liking the feeling of accomplishment, which may diminish a bit after dad gives me his commentary (and later Dr. Liu gives me his), but for now, it’s a nice feeling. I think I might be able to do this thing after all.

We Can Do It!

Today we could dress for Halloween. I decided on my costume a few weeks ago, and as with many of my previous costumes, it was rather inexpensive. Only purchase was a red with white polka-dot cloth. Mom was a great help – she suggested where to find the cloth (Jo Ann Fabrics), loaned & applied lipstick, and tied my head scarf on. Thanks mom!

We Can Do It!
We Can Do It!

Oh yes we can!

Alternate Pose
Alternate Pose

In order to avoid looking like I’m flipping people off, this was my usual “We can do it!” pose today at school.

BTW, the sheer number of people who asked if I was dressed as Aunt Jemimah… I know I’ve got the cheeks for it, but seriously….

I Aten’t Dead

Been ages since I last posted, so I figured I’d better pop a quick note in to say that all is well, I’m just a bit busy.

I’m working on my thesis proposal with a goal to have it done by Halloween – of this year. That would be, like, this Saturday. Ahem. So here I am, writing my literature review (or rather, taking a break from writing my literature review to give Lucy scritchies, comment on Twitter, and type this up).

Got my costume planned for Friday (dress up day at work) and should have photos this weekend. Tomorrow’s Beggar’s Night in our county, so I’ll be interested to see how many kids I get. I might wind up working on my proposal while I wait for the kiddies to pop by. The parental units are at their first party at their soon-to-be community tomorrow night, so no Beggar’s Night for them.

Last weekend was a Buy Music Weekend for me (and I partially blame gregmce for it) which I hope to write about soonish. I expanded my MP3 collection with the new purchases as well as with some older DW audios (the missing eps) finally ripped into my collection. And updated playlists. Etc.

This past weekend I also installed Winders 7 proper on my PC. Go me! Got it for the $30 college price. Yay for Masters program! (One of these days before my graduation I intend to get Adobe Web Premier for a reduced rate thanks to my scholarly ways. Heh.) Oh, and also related to college, I have registered for what I hope will be the final credit hour in my program. Yay!

OK, that’s enough procrastinating. I should get back to writing my literature review. (As I told the folks in Twitter, I’m not even done with my thesis proposal yet and I’ve already got 30 citations.)

School Tour

Ages ago, I think mentioned that we’re having a new school built. It’s been fun watching the progress of the building. Our superintendent tries to hold tours for the staff and neighbors about every 2 weeks. Here are some photos from two tours exactly a month apart. Neat to see the progress. For more photos (not by me, but by the Super) visit our school website and check out the New Building Updates pages.

Construction Treen

Construction Treen

Let Construction Treen take you for a tour of the building.

Gymnasium, Sept.

Gymnasium, Sept.

The roof wasn’t on yet in September (8, 2009)…

Gymnasium, Oct.

Gymnasium, Oct.

… but a month later (October 8, 2009), roof! What a difference a month makes!

View of my new Laboratory, Sept.

View of my new Laboratory, Sept.

A shot toward the lab side of my classroom from September 8, 2009. The opening to the outside will be a floor to near ceiling window. The pipes sticking up from the floor are drains for my sinks, I believe.

Classroom side, Oct.

Classroom side, Oct.

A month later (October 8, 2009), the room is looking better. This is the classroom side of the room. The floor to near-ceiling window is boarded today.

Laboratory side, Oct.

Laboratory side, Oct.

The lab is looking good! The doorway beside the floor to near-ceiling window is to the storage room. (Oddly enough, there’s brick between my room and it, yet will be drywall between it and the biology room. What, they think we’d blow drywall down in chemistry? Heh heh heh.)

New mode of conveyance for students...

New mode of conveyance for students…

To help the elementary students get more exercise, the new building will have a new way for kids to get around. Ceiling mounted monkey bars! (Oh, OK, it’s conduit for the wiring. But I couldn’t help but think they looked like exciting monkey bars.)

The Secretarial Pool

The Secretarial Pool

I was amused to find this puddle in the exact spot where the secretaries will be in the new building. So *that’s* what a Secretarial Pool is! 🙂

Winders 7 Upgrade for $29.99

When I found out about Microsoft offering Winders 7 for $29.99 to college students (thanks to Twitter) I immediately pre-ordered it, then passed the news along to my Twitter followers. And promptly forgot to mention it to LJers on my list. Whoops – sorry about the oversight!

So anyhoo, if you’re interested and you’ve got a valid .edu e-mail address (and preferably proof that you’re taking at least .5 semester hours in case they ask), you can pre-order Winders 7 for $29.99 from http://www.win741.com/. Click on the box that says “Buy.” You can get Premium or Professional, 32 or 64-bit. (I went 64-bit, Pro.)

UK college students, you, too, can be infected, er can buy Winders 7 for a low price as well. http://www.microsoft.com/uk/education/studentoffer/

My main OS will still be Ubuntu (and I’ll probably upgrade to 9.10 when it comes out later this month), but for gaming and a few other Winders-only programs (MediaMonkey specifically), I’ll have my Winder 7 partition.

(Of course, I’m writing this current post on my laptop which has Winders XP on it. Heh.)