I Aten’t Dead

Been ages since I last posted, so I figured I’d better pop a quick note in to say that all is well, I’m just a bit busy.

I’m working on my thesis proposal with a goal to have it done by Halloween – of this year. That would be, like, this Saturday. Ahem. So here I am, writing my literature review (or rather, taking a break from writing my literature review to give Lucy scritchies, comment on Twitter, and type this up).

Got my costume planned for Friday (dress up day at work) and should have photos this weekend. Tomorrow’s Beggar’s Night in our county, so I’ll be interested to see how many kids I get. I might wind up working on my proposal while I wait for the kiddies to pop by. The parental units are at their first party at their soon-to-be community tomorrow night, so no Beggar’s Night for them.

Last weekend was a Buy Music Weekend for me (and I partially blame gregmce for it) which I hope to write about soonish. I expanded my MP3 collection with the new purchases as well as with some older DW audios (the missing eps) finally ripped into my collection. And updated playlists. Etc.

This past weekend I also installed Winders 7 proper on my PC. Go me! Got it for the $30 college price. Yay for Masters program! (One of these days before my graduation I intend to get Adobe Web Premier for a reduced rate thanks to my scholarly ways. Heh.) Oh, and also related to college, I have registered for what I hope will be the final credit hour in my program. Yay!

OK, that’s enough procrastinating. I should get back to writing my literature review. (As I told the folks in Twitter, I’m not even done with my thesis proposal yet and I’ve already got 30 citations.)

5 thoughts on “I Aten’t Dead

  1. Yay! Can’t wait to hear the write-up of the Buy Music Weekend. 🙂 (I’ve been slowly making my way through the missing episode audios. I’m up to Evil of the Daleks part 6, now. Fun way to pass the time!)

    1. They’re great House Cleaning stories. I’m just 4 stories shy of having all the missing ones as audios (if I count the Crusades, even though I have parts 2 & 4 as audio from the VHS release) and I have listened to most of them already. But now that I’m getting them as MP3s, I’ll be able to listen to them a lot easier. 🙂 (I used to listen to ’em via my portable CD player while I got computers ready during the summer when I was a tech.) When I do get them all ripped, there’s still BBC Audio’s Lord of the Rings and Hobbit. And Hitchhiker’s Guide. And probably a few other audios. (Regarding Big Fish, I just have the McCoy ones and a few select others ripped. Turlough always gets a buy, of course.)

  2. So do you usually get a lot of kids coming round to hit you up for candy? I always intentionally left my apartment dark (cos I never had any candy–on the grounds I would eat whatever was left over–and cos I didn’t want to keep answering the door) but this year of course is different. Unfortunately Dad and I have already gotten into the stash, but at least I was able to convince him not to buy some cheap-ass shit but something halfway decent (well…Hersheys, anyway). As per usual, I demand photographic documentation re: your costume. 🙂 (One of these days before my graduation I intend to get Adobe Web Premier for a reduced rate thanks to my scholarly ways. Heh.) Oh, don’t think I haven’t considered signing up for an online college course just so I could get that kind of discount too, but even then Photoshop is still what, like, $600 or something? D= LOVE the iBrolly icon, btw! *clappity clappity* Turlough always gets a buy, of course. LOL!! Well, as a former ginger minx myself, I thank you on behalf of the entire species. 🙂

    1. The past few years I’ve been getting fewer & fewer youngin’s to my door. So I bought less candy this year. The price of Adobe Web Premier (which is Photoshop, Acrobat, and Dreamweaver plus a few others) is $240 or so with college proof through UB.

  3. Ah, another happy windows 7 owner! Poor Snarfie (my boyfriend) had to buy the full licence ($420AU) as all the swanky academic offers only applied in America and we Aussie students missed out. I’m gonna pick up an OEM license when all the physical bits of my new computer have arrived. Good luck with your review! When it is finally done and marked etc, are you allowed to send it to peoples, ‘caus I’d love to see what you’ve been working on.

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