We Can Do It!

Today we could dress for Halloween. I decided on my costume a few weeks ago, and as with many of my previous costumes, it was rather inexpensive. Only purchase was a red with white polka-dot cloth. Mom was a great help – she suggested where to find the cloth (Jo Ann Fabrics), loaned & applied lipstick, and tied my head scarf on. Thanks mom!

We Can Do It!
We Can Do It!

Oh yes we can!

Alternate Pose
Alternate Pose

In order to avoid looking like I’m flipping people off, this was my usual “We can do it!” pose today at school.

BTW, the sheer number of people who asked if I was dressed as Aunt Jemimah… I know I’ve got the cheeks for it, but seriously….

18 thoughts on “We Can Do It!

  1. I’ve got to admit my first thought was Aunt Jemimah (doing a strange black power salute), but my second thought was “Who is that in Trina’s blog in an Aunt Jemimah costume?” It took me a moment to register that it was really you. Then I got the Rosie the Riveter. Something about the bandanna and lipstick make you look much older than you usually look. I think it’s covering up your hair. 🙂

      1. I’m going to be accused of attempting to promulgate my own rampant girlification if I say how good I think you look with a litole bit of lippy, aren’t I? 😉 I can’t believe folks wouldn’t immediately grok that you’re Rosie the Riveter, though, particularly since you’ve actually wearing the actual reference right there on your front! Absolutely awesome. 😀

        1. I don’t mind complements about my lipstick. But it won’t change the fact that I likely won’t be wearing it again any time son. 🙂 Absolutely awesome. 😀 Thanks!

  2. I’m just “what are you?”, since I’m currently dressed as the 4th Doctor. Someone at work actually got it without prompting, though, which made me very happy. 🙂

    1. I was pleased that several students knew the “We Can Do It!” lady. (I was surprised when I discovered the “We Can Do It!” lady wasn’t Rosie the Riveter, just another lady like her.)

  3. love it, and straight away I thought you were Rosie the Riveter, but I have been seeing a LOT of vintage-loving girls doing Rosie this year, including a Zombie Rosie I saw earlier today on another blog!

    1. Oooh – zombie Rosie – now that would have been an idea! (Had a few zombies & vampires at school today – even a Zorro!)

        1. Ah, alas – the image is protected. I’m sure it’s neat. 🙂 Bummer on the lack o’ parties. Gives you more time to muse on your ideas for your next costume, at least.

    1. Didn’t Judi tell you? She gave me fwapping rights every alternate Friday…. Great costume 🙂 Thanks! 🙂

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