Thanksgiving 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you playing at home (or wherever)!

The kitties approve of the new Ikea furniture. Currently we are all sitting in the recliner and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Well, I’m watching it, Linus is watching me, and Lucy is sleeping with her head facing the TV.

I do think Linus suspects something about the old furniture – he spent a lot of time yesterday in the old pink recliner, which will make its way to mom & dad’s old garage later today.

Yesterday I enjoyed my day off mostly by cleaning the house, getting ready for the new furniture delivery, watching Fantastic Mr Fox, having Chinese fud for a late lunch, and more house cleaning. It was a good day.

As for Fantastic Mr Fox, I haven’t decided yet if I liked the movie or not. I enjoyed the animation, but my love of the original novel is affecting my feelings for the movie. Would I have enjoyed the movie had I not been a fan of the original book? Dunno yet. (Took me awhile to decide whether I liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – and it had two beloved predecessors to fight against. I finally decided I liked the movie but really didn’t care for Depp in the movie.)

Anyhoo, after the parade, I intend to decorate for Christmas. With one of the greatest movies ever – Miracle on 34th Street. Such a fine film! Tonight for supper we go to Aunt Becky’s for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m bringing a cheeseball which I did make and a peach pie which I didn’t.

I really need to get up, turn the heat up (since it’s set for Trina at Work mode), and get some breakfast. But Lucy looks so comfy! (Linus has since hopped off to do whatever it is Linus does.)

Ikea – a Grand Adventure

I’m spending this weekend at mom & dad’s new house. Yesterday after work, I loaded up stuff for supper & clothes for the weekend and headed to the parental units’ new house. Before I could make their supper, however, we had to do a short trip to Kroger for some vegetable oil. We decided to try walking to the grocery. And it’s a nice walk, too.

On our way back, mom and I popped into Papa John’s (which is in the same shopping complex as Kroger) and bought two garlic butter packs (for the bread sticks I was going to bake). And when we returned, I mixed up the ingredients for Ghirardelli’s Caramel Turtle Brownie Mix and got that baking (the first thing to be baked in the oven – yay!) I also baked bread sticks and cooked the shrimp & broccoli alfredo on butterfly pasta (both MarketDay purchases). Before I’d left for the house, I’d made up a salad as well.

So we had supper at the dining room table (which is half covered in sort-of-unpacked glassware, but there was room for 3 of us). The alfredo stuff was tasty. And I’m glad we got the garlic butter sauce – that just set off the bread sticks nicely. We then settled down to watch Star Trek (the 2009 movie). It was a great choice to show off mom’s new plasma screen TV. We had brownies about halfway through. Tasty tasty!

We got up early today and headed to Ikea in time for their free coffee time. We all got the regular breakfast and also split an order of sausage gravy on biscuits. Then we did our mega-shopping extravaganza.

Dad’s main priority was getting the bookshelves for his den. Mom’s main priority was getting her tables for her bonus room. And I had a goal too – the Ektorp sofa bed and a matching chair. We all successfully found our goals and a few other things to boot. We filled the car and also each had stuff scheduled for delivery. (It’s $89 to get stuff up to 500lb delivered to our addresses.) The folks’ bookshelves and table parts will arrive Monday and I scheduled my sofa and chair (I got the Ektorp recliner) to come Wednesday, since we’ve got that day off.

Tonight we’ll go to the bookstore in Troy since they’re having their annual holiday sale, and then head to O’Brian’s since Rick Fannin is performing there again tonight. Tomorrow – who knows? I hope to get a walk in to Boston Stoker (local coffeehouse chain) tomorrow. Still haven’t been in their new store in Troy.

Short Update

My thesis proposal was approved by my advisor and he only had a few corrections for me to make. Woohoo!

My sister arrived today!

My folks are moving this Saturday to their new house (hence Amy arriving today).

I’m taking tomorrow afternoon and all day Friday off to help with the move.

I’m working on a Soooper Seeekrit Project for mom & dad in honor of their move (though I’m a bit behind). I’ll describe it more later (after I’ve given it to ’em – mom reads this journal, you know…)

We had supper at Indian’s Pizza (the local pizza joint which is owned by my coworker) with mom’s brothers & their spouses and my cousin Patty. Fun night out for all!

Should be a fun (albeit busy) weekend!