4 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Awww, what a lovely boy Teh Linus is! (Oh, dear…now I’m thinking about Ben from Lost.) *facepalm* I do better on the exercise bikes that have back support, because whenever I use the kind pictured, it always ends up hurting my pubic bone somehow…and no, I haven’t said anything to the cute guy at the gym about this, because of my abject paranoia I will end up asking if this happens to everyone or if I just have an abnormally sensitive Coochie Area… 😉 PS: I think your gift to everyone is first and foremost the gift of yourself, followed in close order by the Random Sylv Picture.

  2. Aw, kitty. “But I can’t reach anything from here!” LOL r13 is correct — you’re a gift, and so’s your Random Sylv Pic. (Although I’d probably extend that to all your collection of Sylv icons, yay! 😉 ) Merry Christmas!

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