Thesis Update

Although I met my first deadline for my self-imposed schedule on my Thesis writing (well, missed it by 1 day – that’s good for me!), I’ve been behind ever since. For some reason, I thought I’d actually get a lot of work done over the holidays. Ha!

However, I do think I’ll be able to get this done. As of tonight, I am more than halfway through the books I’m evaluating for my thesis. (9 out of 17 read & evaluated.) I intend to read book 10 tonight – maybe even get it evaluated too since it’s pretty short. There are a few long books yet to come, but also some short ones.

My new deadline for completing the book evaluations is February 12. The Olympics start that date, plus it’s the month before my university-imposed deadline of March 12 for the receipt of the final paper. My goal is then to watch Olympics while writing up my findings, fixing and updating the proposal portion, and finishing up the thesis paper. I intend to mail it to my adviser by March 1st. (Though you can see I’ve got almost 2 weeks from that date to still Git ‘Er Done!)

The university also says I need to defend my thesis by April 9th. And then, for the most part, I’ll be done. If I want to have the thing published (I’ll decide when it’s finished if I do), I’ve got until early May to finalize things. But I’m figuring, early April and I’m done!

Currently, Linus and Lucy are draped on my lap and sleeping (well, Lucy’s opened her eyes and is looking around, but I’m sure she’ll be sleeping again shortly). We all agree that we like spending quality time in the comfy chair in the library. Definitely going to get a lot of reading done for fun in here once this is all over with. 🙂

Book Meme 2010

1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?

Hmmm, I have several books from my childhood still in my collection, such as The Real Mother Goose, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and others. I know for a fact that the oldest Charlie that I have still in my collection is not the original. That one fell apart. As did its replacement. Heh. (Indeed, the oldest Charlie is falling apart. I’ve got a few more versions of it, including a nice hardback edition with the original illustrations.)

2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?

Currently reading Treasure Island on my phone and rereading The Hogfather in my bedroom. I just finished Dyes by Ruth Kassinger, one of the books I’m reading for my thesis project. I really liked it and want a copy, but it’s only been released as a Library hardback. Bummer. I’ll pick another one of my thesis books once I finish evaluating Dyes, I’ll start on the next Discworld book when Hogfather is done (been rereading the Discworld books for awhile) and also pick another eBook (probably a classic, cuz they’re free) to read on the phone if I ever finish Treasure Island. (Good book, just haven’t found the time to finish it.)

3. What book did everyone like and you hated?

Hmmm, trying to recall a book that I hate. Probably one of the Eighth Doctor Adventures. I rarely found any of those to like.

4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?

Good question. Probably the various & sundry cookbooks in my collection. I have every intention of reading them, someday…

5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”

My cookbooks? Heh. The Frugal Gourmet isn’t going to read itself, you know!

6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?

Read the last page first? What kind of silly talk is that?

7. Acknowledgments: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?

I usually read ’em.

8. Which book character would you switch places with?

None of ’em, really, though I must admit to being jealous of Harry Potter while reading Philosopher’s Stone. It was so exciting all the new stuff he was encountering. Made me feel like a giddy kid again.

9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?

Oh yeah, quite a few. Dancing the Code (a Past Doctor Adventure) makes me think of B-WISER camp. Transit (of the New Adventures of Doctor Who) makes me think of laying in bed at my college dorm staying up too late reading it. The Tripods trilogy (John Christopher) reminds me of reading in bed under the covers. Rereading the Narnia books in my old green rocking comfy chair in my old bedroom. Places often imprint themselves on the books I read.

10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.

Well, I managed to read Roald Dahl’s The Gremlins originally thanks to a friend who copied it (from a book in his library) for me. I now have the reprint they eventually reprinted. 🙂 I still have the copy too. (He laminated the pages and everything – what a wonderful friend!)

11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?

Oh, I’ve done that before a few times. After reading The House at Awful End (which was wonderfully silly and is even better when read by Sylvester McCoy) I bought several copies for some relatives. Gave one of Amy’s then-girlfriends a copy of Wyrd Sisters since she was asking for books which we enjoyed.

12. Which book has been with you to the most places?

Hmmmm, dunno. I used to carry books around with me in my purse, but now I read eBooks on my phone while away. I’d have to look in journals I’d written to see what I was reading when I was abroad. I have quite a few Discworld books which I purchased in Australia and then brought home. That’s a fur piece to be traveling…

13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?

Never hated Dickens, but just didn’t appreciate him like I do now. Haven’t reread A Scarlet Letter, but I’m pretty sure I’ll think it as dire now as I did then. Hawthorne just didn’t have a sense of humor. (Dickens, OTOH, did.)

14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?

Dried flower in an A encyclopedia. I likely put it there. (It was the only book I had from that particular encyclopedia set. Free sample, with the hopes that we’d buy the rest. We didn’t.)

15. Used or brand new?

I much prefer new. Used are OK in a pinch.

16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?

Never read any King.

17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?

Holes – saw the movie, then read the book. Preferred the movie, though I enjoyed the book. Also, The Colour of Magic was a great improvement over the two books it covered (The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic). Still read Rincewind as Eric Idle, however. (Though David Jason does an excellent Rincewind in the movie, I think.) Oddly enough, I read Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler as Eric as well…

18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?

Fantastic Mr Fox. Heh – not really. (Need to see it again to see if I like it or not.) Can’t think of any at the moment.

19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?

Oh yeah. The Murder She Wrote series is notorious for making me hungry. Jessica Fletcher (or rather her ghost writer) describes food rather well. 🙂

20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?

My own. I’ve rarely steered me wrong. Heh.

BTW, my lap is full of cats. I am my UserPic today. 🙂

Dragon Puzzle Pix

Dragon Puzzle
Dragon Puzzle

Elsa gave me a 3D Dragon Puzzle for Christmas this year. I had decided that my first snow day, I’d build it. And yesterday, build it I did!


Second view of Dragon Puzzle
Second view of Dragon Puzzle

This is shot at a slightly different angle to see the nose stuff. (Other things on that shelf, balance toys, Sylvester McCoy pencil sketch which I did ages ago, baby photo of me, and photo of me & Judi on the Millennium Force ride from Cedar Point.)


A view of my Den Corner
A view of my Den Corner

Lots of stuff in that little nook (including plenty of Sylv photos, plus some family photos). All my webcomic books & stuffed toys are there. And, alas, from this view you can’t see the Adipose that Steph gave me last year for Christmas. (It’s hiding behind Bunny and sitting next to Dick the Warlock.)

First Snow Day of 2010

Yesterday, the original plan was to have parent/teacher conferences and all of us poor teachers at work from 7:30am til 7:30pm. But then, it began to snow. It started snowing before 1st period was over and just kept going.

Before lunch, the superintendent came and asked me to post on our website that we’d be dismissing early and that parent/teacher conferences would be rescheduled for next Thursday. Yay, early dismissal!

I walked home (I like walking in the snow, even though it was blowing in my face quite a bit) and enjoyed my afternoon off. Then last night, we got a phone call that we’d be on a 2-hour delay today. So I stayed up a bit later and set my secondary alarm (which is for an hour later than usual – I always go in a bit early on 2-hour delays).

But then around 6am this morning, we got the call that school was closed. So I (and the cats) slept in until 9:30am. I love a snow day. It’s a day you don’t have any specific plans for (other than teaching), so you can get things done you might not usually get done.

So today I took down the Christmas tree and many of my decorations. (I’ll finish tomorrow.) I shoveled my steps and walkway (someone nice on our block snow-blowed the entire sidewalk) and walked to the post office. I played Beatles Rock Band and exercised on the Wii. I watched the entire disc of Mawdryn Undead while I ate supper and then put together the dragon puzzle that elsaf gave me for Christmas. And now I’m writing this and will soon be finishing up another book for my thesis.

Snow days are a wonderful luxury. 🙂

Buh Bye 2009! Hola 2010!

Can you believe it? I’m 39 today! Pretty nifty.

This has been a very busy holiday. Been having a great time with my family and with elsaf and judiang.

Have seen Avatar and it was pretty amazing. I was a little nauseous afterward, but not enough to prevent my enjoyment. (I’ll probably not watch it in 3D again.)

We had a party last night at mom & dad’s clubhouse. Mucho fun and Judi was quite impressed. Declared it superior to the one in her apartment complex.

Currently watching the Rose Parade (nice of those folks in Pasadena to put on a parade for my birthday every year!) while cooking dinner. Pork and kraut are cooking in the oven, taters are boiling on the stove (to be mashed later), beer bread warming on the stove top. The folks, Amy, and Rachel will be coming around 1pm. Judi’s snoozing while I exclaim about neat floats. Elsa, alas, is driving home. She has to work later tonight.

After lunch, we’ll play with the Wii. Should be fun. (Beatles Rock Band is mucho fun!)

Oooooh! Bootiful float going by. Dragon! Got the International award.

Should get back to paying attention to the parade.

BTW, question for any Rock Band fans out there: Is there any way to get multiple nicknames in the game? Right now, when we pick instruments, they all say “trinalin1,” “trinalin2,” etc.