Snownami 2010!

I must admit, I’ve been a bit jealous of everyone else getting snow this season. But today we’re getting all of our winter snow at once! I liked how gregmce described it – a snownami. (I wanted to post to the school website today that school had an early dismissal due to the snowpocalypse, but decided to use “inclement weather” instead.)

They’re forecasting 8-12 inches here. I understand some folks in this storm will be getting at least twice this much. I’m glad that I don’t have to drive anywhere (and the walk home was rather pleasant) and as long as the electricity stays on, I’ll likely have a very nice weekend. My heart goes out to people for whom this winter has not been so merciful.

Anyhoo, if you’re not completely sick of snow photos yet, feel free to peek under my LJ cut for the images. As a reward, you will also get to see Lucy, who was NOT amused.

Scene from back door
Scene from back door

A view of the snow from my kitchen.

Scene from front door.
Scene from front door.

A view from my porch.

The trees are made of SNOW!
The trees are made of SNOW!

The snow is doing a great job coating the trees.

Another front view, facing north.
Another front view, facing north.

I stretched myself out a bit to get this shot (but still staying out of the stray snow on the porch).

Lucy doesn't approve
Lucy doesn’t approve

Lucy either wasn’t fond of the snow or of me taking photos of something other than her.

10 thoughts on “Snownami 2010!

    1. Thanks! Been doing a good job at staying warm. Though I did go out and shovel some today. Tomorrow we’ll like get even more snow. I’m sure my superintendent is hoping it’ll be minuscule and not the Winter Storm we’re being promised.

  1. It looked just like that here this morning! All fairy-tale-kingdom like, it was very pretty. But of course, I forgot my camera driving to work.

    1. A couple winters ago I was checking on mom & dad’s cottage at the lake and bemoaned my lack of camera (cuz their dock was in a funny way and I had no way to get the image to ’em). That’s when I decided that when I upgraded my cell phone to a smartphone, it would have to have a camera with it. That’s turned out to be rather useful. 🙂 It seems that every time, however, we get a nice glazing of hoarfrost, I manage to forget to take photos. “I’ll get a picture when I get to such & such” I say, only to then forget and then the frost is all gone.

    1. Thanks! Gonna steal “snowverkill” as well. Not that we’ve got nearly what you folks got, but hey, we’re Ohio, we’re not used to Minnesota snow. (My poor sister, however, has been getting more rain & less snow than we have. Maybe MN & Ohio are trading jobs?)

  2. I agree, your neighborhood looks wonderful–classic 20th-century American architecture, from the looks of it. (Damn, I’ve gotta finish posting my snow pics too.) Major lolz at “snowpocalypse,” btw. XD And OMG, Meryn Cadell!! My niece still associates me with “The Sweater” to this very day. 100% ACRYLIC!! 😀

    1. Greg’s latest term for our upcoming Winter Storm is “snowverkill.” Heh – very fitting. Good to see another Meryn Cadell fan. Did you know she’s a he now? Read about it on Wikipedia a couple years ago. (Has Wikipedia been around that long? Wow…) He’s got an LJ account too, though he hasn’t posted to it since last April.

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