Not raving, but drowning…

Although my thesis is done & defended, I’m still drowning here in Stuff To Be Done. Haven’t even started looking at the Getting Thesis Published stuff yet. Mostly been worrying about packing for the move, getting ready for the town garage sale (that was yesterday – sold lots of stuff & took that which didn’t sell to Goodwill today), and avoiding grading papers (I’m very good at that, apparently). Plus World of Warcrack has my soul again.

So anyway, last weekend I dropped my camera during a tour of the new school building. It no longer can detect memory cards. (It was my first digital camera, only 3MP, and has had a good life. To be honest, I was more worried about the XD card in it. Which was OK – photos have been saved off of it thanks to a universal card reader of dad’s.) So I decided to order a new one. After my research and a chance to hold one in my hand, I ordered a Canon A1100IS (in green!) and it arrived this week. Love it so far!

While in an ordery mood, I also decided to finally buy a Blu-ray player. Went with LG’s BD570 which has Wi-Fi and a USB port. I decided to do this since NetFlix steaming has been fun so far (via the Wii) and I’d like to be able to stream high def content too. The Blu-ray player should arrive tomorrow.

The day before my camera arrived, my graduation present for myself arrived – Adobe CS4 Web Premium. I ordered it the day CS5 was announced, so I’ll be getting a free upgrade to CS5. 🙂 Let’s hear it for academic discounts!

I just looked at my calendar for this week and it gave me the shivers. So much to do and so little time! But it’ll happen. Somehow I’ll make it happen. (It’s good that the seniors are done for the most part – I’ll have those periods to pack & get caught up on grading and all that jazz.) The new classroom/lab is gonna be so worth all this hassle!


As I just tweeted, like planet Earth, my thesis IS DEFENDED! 🙂

Apart from a bit of “oh was I supposed to call you?” going on at the start, I connected with my adviser and his consultant (who’s the director of the Science and the Public program). I presented an Impress presentation (think open source PowerPoint) and then answered questions. They want me to have the university publish my thesis and even suggested sending an article or two to Science and Children, a journal for intermediate level science teachers. Woohoo!

It was rather fun. I did the presentation on mom’s laptop since she’s got an onboard webcam. I did it in dad’s den with his bookshelves as the background (excellent background). And afterwards, the folks and I went out to celebrate with some etouffee and bread pudding at LeDoux’s. Since LeDoux’s is one of the few restaurants too far away to walk, we went for a walk after supper. Now I’m home and still a bit high from the experience. Woohoo!

Glorious Weather

After a winter that decided Snow was In this year, we now have a spring that thinks that Decent Weather is In. I be liking this spring! (I liked the winter, too. Heh.)

I’ve been enjoying the lovely weather these past couple of weeks. And it’s currently looking like next week will be a nice one, too. It’s allowing me to take nice long walks around town. And today, I went to Troy and mom and I walked from her place to downtown. Took about 45 minutes to get to the Night Sky Cafe. Excellent walk.

Dad was in a phone meeting (not a meeting about phones, but a meeting on the phone). So mom and I ordered iced coffee drinks (mine sans coffee) and an appetizer while waiting. Dad arrived during the appetizer. Then we had lunch. Thanks to rereading Thud! I wound up with a craving for a wonderful BLT. (Vimes gets a BLT with lots of B and very little L & T – the best kind there is – so I got all BLT-wishy last night.) Ordered a half sandwich and a cup of broccoli cheese soup. Yummy yummy.

Mom and I decided to walk back (despite being completely full) and we found a short cut that got us home in 35 minutes. Lovely walk, gorgeous weather, pretty town.

After lunch, I fiddled about on mom’s laptop getting ready for my MASTER’S THESIS DEFENSE! Yes, I’m finally gonna finish this sucker! Wednesday at 4pm (technology willing!) I’ll be Skyping to my university and defending my thesis. So, um, I guess I should write my Powerpoint-style presentation or something… (I’ll use Impress instead.)

I now have a Skype handle, though I’m probably not going to be on Skype much beyond this defense. (Unless I decide it’s a Must Have. I think for a Must Have it ought to be something more Open Source-y.) Still, if you want to know my Skype handle, lemme know and I’ll share it with ye. (It isn’t what you think it is, most likely.)

Tomorrow should be another lovely day, so when I’m not doing laundry, cleaning house, or working on my presentation, I’ll be talking walks through town. 🙂