Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot!

Today was our last day on the cruise. Awwww. Still, I’ll be happy to see my kitties again. And be able to get online for far less than 75 cents a minute! Hopefully we’ll make our flight tomorrow – it’s a bit earlier than they recommend, but hopefully everything will go smoothly tomorrow!

Anyhoo, I had set the alarm to get us up at a decent hour this morning… only to set it for Thursday, not Friday! Whoops! No matter, I wound up waking up 9 minutes later than my alarm was set for. We got to breakfast and I had eggs Benedict, bacon, strawberries (which trump pineapple any day), bread & butter pudding, apple juice and milk. I will miss those breakfasts!

We then headed to the Piazza to meet up for the Susan G Komen breast cancer walk. There were under 40 participants, but we headed up to the promenade deck and started walking. They figured that 10 times around the ship was equivalent to 5000 meters. So that was the goal. Mom and I got around 5 times, then she bowed out. I rested with her briefly, then did two more laps. Judi had already lapped me at least once and was pulling away again at that time. Then I headed out and completed 3 more laps. By the time I returned to the Wheelhouse bar, they had removed the Walk Supplies and were setting up for lunch. Sort of a let down after walking for 5k m!

Ship poop! Saw this 10 times that day, walking around the ship.

The view from the front of the ship.

A view which I saw 10 times that morning…

It was swim & spa time! I joined mom on the sun deck to rest & relax, took a dip in the pool, and melted under the hot sun. When it was lunch time, we pondered the pub lunch, but mom had also heard people talking about there being Asian food somewhere on board. So we investigated and discovered that Cafe Caribe was serving sushi & other Asian delights. Since I’d had fish & chips earlier in the week, sushi trumped it. I finished with a fruit tart. Gonna miss those, too!

We returned to the room after some more swim/jacuzzi time (where we met up with elsaf and judiang) and got dressed for the wine tasting we’d signed up for. We met up with Judi and the three of us headed for the Michelangelo dining room for the tasting. Turns out that they’d lost our original registration, but were able to seat us anyhoo. The three of us sat with a couple and a single. The wines were less expensive than the ones we’d sampled on Tuesday, but they still tasted like wine and thus were not my style. However, I did like the dessert wine – it wasn’t sickening sweet like others I’ve had. And it wasn’t $100+ a bottle like other wines I’ve liked. Go figure!

We returned to the sun deck to melt, swim, etc. It was bloody hot today, and the sun especially shiny. Despite my 100 SPF coating (AKA lead shielding), I do have some red patches on my skin. Especially under my arms – ick! Still, the warm sun was very nice.

When it was nearing supper time, mom and I returned once again to the stateroom to change for supper and pack. We got everything in our bags (for the most part) but weren’t ready, yet, to put them out to be collected. So we headed to dinner with the girls around 7pm.

Today was to be my celebration day. I had signed up for it as my graduation celebration. But unlike Judi, who had celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, I didn’t get any balloons taped to the wall outside my door. Awwww. But I did get a card to hand to my head waiter regarding my celebration. Cool beans.

Dinner tonight was full of tasty choices as usual. I opted for shrimp cocktail as my appetizer, followed by beef consumme (with puff pastry croutons), and New York strip with a green peppercorn sauce and “fried shoestring potatoes.” Yes, folks, it was steak & chips night! 🙂

As it was the last night of the cruise, they had Baked Alaska (or ice cream bombe, as they called it), so I ordered that. And while I was eating that (it had neopolitan ice cream in it), they brought my celebratory dessert as well. It was like the one they gave Judi only with a pink rose instead of red. They sang “Happy graduation to you!” to me. And then I dived into the second dessert, managing to eat most of it. Yes, yes, I am a pig!

Watch out! It’s a bombe!

I successfully break through the chocolate crust of my celebratory cake!

Although our bags weren’t outside our room yet, we went to the 8:45 show, starring one of the cruise director’s team singing show tunes, etc, and a return of James Michael doing magic. Both were quite entertaining. Then mom and I returned to finish packing. I waved goodbye to our bags when the crewmen took them away. I hope I see ’em again tomorrow – at the cruise building and again at the Dayton airport!

Mom and I then headed off to see what was playing in the outdoor theater. It looked like When in Rome but it didn’t look like the very start or the very finish. So we decided to get drinks and head back to the Princess Theater to see the staff talent show. Mom bought me a piña colada and she had a Singapore sling. The talent show was entertaining – they’ve got some talent on board the ship.

Though there’s currently a party going on in the Piazza, mom and I are just too tired. So she’s sleeping and I hope to be joining her shortly. This has been a fun cruise and I hope to go again some time. 🙂

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